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Tips on How to Help You Through Gender Dysphoria.
(These help me, so why not share them?)

(For anyone who wants to appear more masculine)
- Get a shorter haircut
If you can't get it extremely short, get it cut as short as your parents/guardian(s) allow. Or, you could do what I did and ask another family member to talk to your parent/guardian(s) about it. Having someone else ask for you may be more effective! (Make sure to show your parent/guardian(s) a picture of your desired haircut so they don't get a bad idea!)

- Write on your arms with a marker
Preferably washable markers. Doing this just calms me and makes me focus on something else! It also can help with self harm.

(For anyone who wants to appear more masculine)
- Wear a sports bra or two
Sports bras are made to compress your chest and make it smaller. If you want, you can wear two. BUT NO MORE THAN TWO! Unless you cannot breath correctly with two on. If so, just stick with one.

(For anyone who wants to appear more masculine)
- Wear more masculine clothes
Even just wearing loose, dark shorts and shirts can help. Or wear a flannel! It works wonders for me.

- Look in the mirror and say positive things about yourself
This helps! I usually look in the mirror and repeat: "I'm a boy! I'm a boy! I'm a boy!" a couple of times. Or, I say: "I may have curves, periods, and a bigger chest than others, but that makes me no less of a man. I'm just as manly as any cismale." Again, this can make you feel a lot better!

- Write your feelings down in a journal
Don't worry people that want to appear more masculine, this makes you no less of a man. People that say must like to see people in pain. Also write down things that make you feel better in case you ever get this feeling again.

- Talk to a therapist or school guidance counselor
A school guidance counselor can save your life. They are amazing! They can refer you to someone that specializes in gender therapy. They're not allowed to say anything negative about you, either. (I know the one at my school isn't.)

- Listen to music
Listening to your favorite songs with the volume turned all the way up can make negative feelings go away. :3

- Read
Hey, I finished the book "With My Eyes Wide Open" by Brian Welch in 2 & 1/2 days because this helped me so much. Another great book to read is "I Am J" by Cris Beam. Just be ready for tears at some parts. ;-;

- Go online
Go to websites that help LGBT+ Youth. One I recommend is QueerAlliance.

(For anyone that wants to appear more feminine)
- Walk confidently! Hold your head high! Try to sway your hips a bit, but don't over-do it.

(For anyone that wants to appear more feminine)
- If you ever catch yourself alone or with someone that supports you, experiment with makeup! Watch a few tutorials and have at it! Or, you could wear a dress, if you'd like. If you live in an unsupportive family, be careful. If it is dangerous for you, don't let them catch you wearing makeup or feminine clothing. I don't want any of you beauties to get hurt, whether it be emotionally or physically.

(For anyone that wants to appear more feminine)
- Let a supportive friend or family member take you on a shopping spree!
If you are the supportive friend or family member, let your friend be free. Just give them a price cap and let them be free. If you are getting this special shopping spree, don't fret! Don't worry about what other people think. You have a supportive person with you. They know the real you! That's all that should matter. <3

- Cuddle with a pet or stuffed animal
Pets and stuffed animals don't care about gender. They just want love! Although, if you have a fish, snake, or tarantula, you may just want to focus on them. They don't look very cuddly...

- Sleep
If all else fails, just try to take a nap. Dysphoria can be tiring and stressful. You need the rest, doll. Don't feel guilty.

Did any of these help?

Tell me your favorite ways to ease gender dysphoria!

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