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Coming Out Tips 101:

(I have only come out to my friends and sister, so some of these tips may not work with parents/guardians.)

- Write a Letter
Voice your sexuality and/or gender. Explain what it is/means. Terms like "pansexual" and "bigender" can confuse a person. Assure whoever your coming out to that you'll still be the same person.

- Give Them the Talk
Make whoever you're coming out to sit down so you can talk to them. Get them alone so you can explain everything to them. Practice what you will say by saying it to yourself while looking the the mirror or say it to a pet. Choose a time where everyone is relaxed, not a stressful time when everyone is busy.

- Ask Questions
This can help you determine a good time to come out. Ask them things like, "How do you feel about gay rights?" or "I have this friend that's *insert sexuality/gender here*, how do you feel about that?" If they answer positively, they will most likely accept you. If they answer negatively, you may need help opening their mind.

- Draw
You do not have to be the best artist in the world to do this! Just draw a picture that clearly states your gender and/or sexuality. Give a small explanation of what it is/means on the drawing somewhere, preferably on the back of it. Heck, if you want to use this way, I'd gladly help you make some art for it!

- Make Comments
I got this tip from Danny Noriega/Adore Delano, so it should be the last thing you try to use. This will help determine a good time to come out, too. If you see a guy acting feminine, point it out to whoever you're coming out to. Look up at their face to see if it disgusts them, or doesn't bother them. Again, if they answer positively, they will most likely accept you. If they answer negatively, you may need help opening their mind.

Remember, if the person reacts negatively, don't yell at them. Don't try to fight them. It will just make everything worse. Just avoid them for awhile. Try opening their mind about the LGBT+ community before coming out again.

If they react positively, great! Feel free to celebrate! You've been accepted for being you!

You do not have to come out. Some people want to, so I gave some tips. If you don't feel that you need to, don't. If you're in a dangerous situation, it's best to not come out. Wait till what seems like a good time.

Also; "Sometimes if you intensely dislike a person due to something, you just have to take comfort in the fact that one day, they will be dead." - Dan Howell

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