chapter 14

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Yesterday night was a life changing night for them, from today a new start for them.

It was morning two beautiful souls are sleeping in each others arms, advay was the first one who woke up and he lazily opened his eyes and felt a weight on his chest, the sight he saw bring smile on his face, his love was sleeping on his chest, her arm was around his waist, his arm was around her. Last night incidents playing in front of his eyes, he chuckled at the thought how much they were wild last night, they were literally eat up each others lips yesterday night, he touched his lips, he felt little pain on his bottom lip because of her bite. my wild cat ...he thought. He hoped his hickey is not visible to others, else raj & murli will tease him to death. He saw her lips, it was swealon, yet looking juicy and soft, he wanted to taste her again. After last night it becomes too hard for him.

He pretend to sleep when he felt she moves in sleep , her eyes lit up and a bright smile after seeing her love. As usual she caressing his hair , how many hours you will stare at me like this, don't you want to kiss your love !
Advay said while opening his eyes, chandni's cheeks turned crimson red in embarrassment, advay touch her lips with his thump , squeezing her waist on another hand she closed her eyes in pleasure, he brings her face close to him and whispered , chandni wish me ... Huh... Hmm good morning...
How boring katto ghillari you wish your love like this, let me teach you. He flipped their position, now she's under him ,he placed his lips on her & started chewing her lips, he put his hand under her top and pinched her waist, she gasped he use this chance & entered into her mouth and taste her, chandni put her tongue in advay's mouth which shocked him first, she started fighting for dominance, advay didn't give up, they pulled out from the kiss due to the lack of oxygen. He joined his forehead to her and looked at with love and desire.

Prachi's phone bring them to earth, chandni gets tensed after seeing the called I'd, advay answered the call ,he said that chandni went to temple and asked Prachi to call later.

Why you agreed for the marriage chandni?!  Advay straightly questioned her,
I didn't agreed for the marriage advay

then why did you said that why I should care when you got married.

Sorry advay I was angry & hurted.. That's why I ....

What sheela said to you chandhi?

His question brings the tears from her eyes. He panicked and wipe her tears, she hugged him tight and sobbing continusually.

You'll not marry her na advay!!

Her question shocked him. He pulled her out from the hug and cupped her face and asked

What are you saying chandni!  Why should I marry her!

Before she answered him she got a message from sheela, her phone was still on advay's hand. He was shocked to see Sheela's message in Chandni's mobile. He understood what might happened when he opened the message, she send 2 more pictures of him and her. Chandni cried more after seeing the pictures.

What sheela said to you chandni...

Vo... As.. Advay.. She said she spiked your drink and....

We both slept together..

Her heart broken into pieces when she hear this sentence from his mouth. But the next sentence he said was confused her.

How can you be so stupid chandni ! She said & you believed it.  She send this picture to you na can't you the cameras in the mirror on the wall!!


Matlab, this was an scene from our previous movie, I was feeling uncomfortable from her touch, so I didn't complete this scene ,I asked them to remove this scene from the film.

The weight on her heart goes away After hearing him. She smiled and hugged him tight. And murmured sorry.

Now tell me what is that marriage issue .

I ran out from the sets after hearing the confession from sheetal, I went to beach, I saw you kept calling me but I was so hurt so I didn't attend your call then mom called me and said some of her friend wants me as her dil. I rejected the marriage saying I'm not interested in to getting married now, but she kept saying that, he's that he's this.. I cut the call in frustration. When you come to my room ,asked about the marriage, I spoke everything in anger. She cupped his face, ' I never agreed to marry anyone advay, I am your's '

I love you chandni... I love you

I love you too advay...

Then advay placed his lips on her.


Murli & RAJ was tensed because of yesterday incident. They went to advay's house to meet chandni. Their eyes popped up When they saw advay & chandni kissing each other madly.

RAJ quickly closed his eyes and tried to close murli's eyes

' Arey Bhaiya pls let me see, I never seen any couple kissing each other ,pls let me see them '

' shut up murli ' Raj said & closed the door without making noise.


AdNi was lost in each other so they didn't know when Raj and murli came, he was busy in kissing her shoulder, both know that if they continue this they will cross every line today,so they stopped kissing each other.

Chandni went to cupboard take her dress and about to go to take bath. Chandu would you mind if I join with you  .

She looked at him confusingly ,

To join with you to take bath . He said & winked at her. Chandni pushed him out of the room and Runned to the bathroom.

Advay came to his room with a smile, he saw murli & Raj was sitting on the couch and waiting for him.

When you came

Just now Bhaiya, trust me we didn't see when you & chandni bhabhi kissing each other. I swear.

Yeah advay you locked the door na how can we saw you eating you each others lips.

Hmm guys, before he complete they both jumped on him. And wished him.

So happy for you advay. Finally you got your soulmate.

Happy for you Bhaiya, please now don't delay the marriage. I want to see your marriage soon.


Advay explained why chandni ran from the sets, both RAJ & murli got angry

I won't leave that Sheela, I just can't tolerate her a single second, shooting with her is impossible.

No advay, you should complete the shooting, and  show her real place daily, like a daily torture, she have to pay for making my sister cry.

Yes Bhaiya, Raj Bhaiya is right.

Hmm you are right guys, I'll start my torture from today itself.

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