3 in the morning, you know i'm horny [smut]

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title: 3 in the morning, you know i'm horny

written by: rendezvousboy

summary: mickey's older boyfriend sneaks in through his window and shows him a good time, while trying to stay quiet. we don't want micky's father to wake up.

contains: sex, boyxboy, age difference (18/16), missionary, pretty vanilla but sweet.

song inspired by: no bullshit by chris brown

not edited.



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tap tap.

i take my headphones off, and turn towards the window with a puzzled look on my face.

tap tap!

i was on the second floor, what the hell could that possibly be? a tree?!

with a big gulp, i nervously stood to my feel, pulling my cropped sweater down a little.

my heart was pounding in my ears as i shakily moved to pull my curtains back. the string of my blinds wrapped around my wrists as i pulled them up.

i was met with a face.

i screamed.

once i recognized the face of my boyfriend, derrick, i sighed in relief and quickly unlocked the window. with a huff, i pushed it open and quickly pulled him inside.

"hi baby."

"derrick are you crazy?! if my dad sees you here he'll kill you!" i whisper yell as he stood to his feet, towering over me and clouding me with his cologne. he craned his neck down, moving at my jawline with large open mouth kisses.

i gripped at derrick's muscles through his thin black sweater. it was tight on him, outlining each muscle profoundly.

"derrick..." i whimpered as he moved down to my neck, gripping at my hips with his large ring clad hands.

"mickey?!" i heard my dad yell from the hallway.

"oh my god!" i shoved derrick off of me and rushed over to the door, cracking it slightly.

"h-hi, daddy!" i grinned innocently.

"are you okay? i heard screaming." he tried pushing himself into the room but i stood my ground.

"yes! i'm fine, i just thought i saw a spider. turns out it was just some dust." i made up a lame excuse, i know. but if it'll get him off my case then who cares?

"are you sure?"

"yes daddy! i'm fine, goodnight! i love you." i kissed his cheek and quickly shut the door.

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