i love the way that it tastes [smut]

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title: i love the way that it tastes [smut]

written by: rendezvousboy

summary: jamie's been nothing but a brat all day, obviously he didn't learn from the last time so orlando has to try something else to teach his sweet girl a lesson he will never forget.

contains: eating out, gay sex, manxboy, blowjobs, spanking, just some good shit ok?!

song inspired by: Fuckin Wit Me by Tank

part 2 of fucked him right there on the table [smut]


"but daddy-,"

"if i have to repeat myself i swear, you will feel my hand for days."

jamie huffed, crossing his arms over each other. i rolled my eyes but smirked in content. jamie may like the idea of getting spanked, but he hated the during and aftermath pain.

we we're currently at my sister's wedding reception, people were dancing, talking, and eating. jamie and i were sitting at a table in the corner, nibbling on our plates every now and then. and every once in a while someone would come over and start conversation.

jamie wanted to go to the bathroom for a quickie, but i refused. we were at a wedding for christ's sake, it wasn't in a church but still!

not like jamie would care if even if we were in a church.

i just didn't feel it was appropriate to fuck at my sister's wedding. if we got caught it would ruin the whole reception, and i didn't want to take any of the spotlight off of her.

but i also didn't feel like dealing with a bratty jamie for the rest of the day.

we sat in silence, the sexual tension was thick but i didn't care.

a waiter was walking around with a platter of martinis. jamie instantly perked up and beckoned him over, taking one off of the tray and thanking the man enthusiastically.

i had given him a limit, jamie can't handle his alcohol very well and i didn't want him to get shitfaced and embarrass himself.

"what the hell are you doing?" i spat through clenched teeth.

"what does it look like i'm doing?" he scoffed.

both of my eyebrows shot up, and my jaw tightened. he visibly gulped once he realized what he had said, but then proceeded on downing the martini in one swallow.

"you're on thin fucking ice jamie. you better watch yourself."

"or what?" he rolled his eyes and he began to beckon the waiter over again.

that's it.

i wrapped two fingers around the back of his neck and yanked him over to me, he yelped and stiffened in my hand. i brought my lips down to his ear.

"i don't know what's gotten into you, but i promise, you will learn who's in charge here babygirl. now take your ass upstairs to the dressing room, and you better be out of this suit by the time i get up there, do you understand me?!" i whisper harshly in his ear, and i heard him whimper.


"that's all i get? a yes? we'll deal with that later. now, go." i released him. he stood on wobbly legs, tears were brimming at the bottom of his eyes but i didn't care. jamie always does this, and he knows how im going to react when he acts a certain way.

once he left the reception area, i waited about 5 minutes before i got up and began to make my way upstairs. i wanted him to think about what he did, and sit and wonder about what i was going to do to him. the suspense would kill him, and that's exactly what i wanted.

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