Chapter 5 - Admiring Your Masterpiece

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- Autumn's Point of View -

I woke up in the morning to the sound of manic yells and the slamming of the door. I had a small smile, knowing who it was and for what reason.

 “What the FUCK, Autumn?!” Harry screamed as he closed my bedroom door a bit too loudly and dramatically for my liking.

He never cursed, which weirdly excited me. It meant it was working. Revenge hurts, bitch.The boy was lucky Rita and my dad had gone out for the day, or he would possibly be skinned alive.

 I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the bright lights, smiling at the curly haired boy who looked like he was about to have a tantrum. I didn’t know about him, but I was enjoying myself very much.

 I sat up, “Pink suits you, Hazz.”

 He glared at me, steam practically coming out of his ears like in those old cartoons.

 He pointed at his hair, which was now a pretty neon pink, “This is not funny! My social life is going to be ruined because of this!”

 I waved a hand at him, dismissing his thoughts, “You look at life too seriously, Harry.”

 Just then, Louis walked in with a playful expression, “I told you you needed to change your look. Since you refused, the lovely Autumn and I decided to take it upon ourselves to make you look fabulous.”

 I nodded, completely agreeing with Louis’s story, “We did this for your sake, love. Wouldn’t want to be behind on the trends, would you?”

 Louis gasped dramatically, nodding his head as if it were the truest thing anyone had ever said, that it would save the human race.

 Harry was getting even more annoyed by each word we uttered, “I had to walk down Rodeo Drive in front of all of the celebrities to have Nicki Minaj tell me she liked my hair!”

 I smiled at him, my eyes widening, “You talked to Nicki Minaj?”

 Louis interjected, “Was she nice?”

 “WOULD YOU BOTH BE SERIOUS FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE?” he blew up, then began panting out of anger.

 That made me crack. I covered my head in my blankets as I laughed like a hyena, hearing Louis giggle and say, “Take a chill pill, mate.”

 I heard Louis run away as I guess Harry chased him. I couldn’t stop laughing, being on a high that I hadn’t had for a long time. After a moment, I felt someone lay down on the bed next to me. I didn’t mind him getting touchy-feely at all. He had always been a physical person with everyone that he met, even the ones that he had a bit of dislike for, since we were little kids. I was too used to it.

 He grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. He brought his mouth closer to my neck,  his warm breath making me shiver.

 “You’re going to pay for this, love,” he whispered in my ear softly.

 I turned to face him and smirked, “Hit me with your best shot.”

 “Trust me,” he caressed my cheek, so close, I could hear him breathing, “I am.”

 “I’ll be waiting,” I said and got up, pulling him up with me and shoving him out the door, “Now, out! We’ll worry about your man-period after I get changed!”

 He gave me a puppy dog expression when he was out of the room, “Can’t I stay and watch?”

 I gave him a Yeah, right expression and closed the door on him, locking it because I didn’t trust the pervert to keep his hands to himself.

Love to Hate You (A Harry Styles Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz