Chapter 14 - TVs and Penguins and Ziam, Oh My!

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A/N: Hi, everyone! This is about the third time I'm attempting to post this, so I hope it works (shoutout to Wattpad for being a royal pain!). I hope you enjoy it and sorry for the extremely sporadic updating.

Oh, and I'd love to say a GIGANTIC thank you to you all for actually getting the last chapter to 69 votes(!!!) and reading and actually commenting! :) Just so you all know, the sweet little comments you all write make me feel all nice and fuzzy (fyi). So keep 'em coming!....Please?

Happy reading 

- Autumn's Point of View -

“How was the theme park?” I asked, hopping up to sit on the kitchen island.

 Frankie gave me a blank stare, then turned to see whether Juliette was looking, and when she saw that she wasn’t, she pointed to the back of her blonde head and made a slitting hand movement. I didn’t know whether she meant she wanted to slit her own throat because of Juliette’s irritable personality or kill Juliette because of her irritable personality. In all honesty, either one seemed like something Frankie would both say and do.

 “Okay,” I said, trying not to grin at her, because my day was going just fantastic, “How was the drive to the theme park?”

 She let out an angry sigh and climbed up to sit next to me. She leaned her head against my shoulder and let out a very un-Frankie-like whimper. She sniffled and her bottom lip jutted out in annoyance.

 “I wanted to go on the X2,” she mumbled into my shirt and I couldn’t help but let out a laugh, probably receiving the “Worst Friend Ever” Award.

 “But you’re afraid of heights, Fran,” I squeezed her arm, smiling at her childish behavior.

 She gave me a funny smile, “At least I went.”


 Juliette suddenly whirled around from her spot at the windowsill, “Why didn’t you come, August-”

 “It’s Autumn,” Frankie interjected.

 “Right,” she said dejectedly, but repeated her question, “Why didn’t you come?”

 “I’m not a fan of roller coasters,” I stated bluntly, because I’d already explained this to everyone, when they had all whined for me to go with them, mainly because my sister was going and I wasn’t, and no one really knew my sister. Heck, I don’t even know my sister.

 There was a strange glint in her eyes for a moment as she said, “Why didn’t you really come?”

 I could feel the sweat building up along my temple as I realized she might have seen or known something. Calm down, Autumn. You’re overreacting. I put on a smile and furrowed my brows at her to emphasize the What ever do you mean look.

 “I don’t understand what you’re implying, Jules,” I tilted my head at her, despite beginning to taste the lingering hint of peppermint on my lips from only thirty minutes ago. Tastes a lot like someone else’s boyfriend. Also comes in flavors such as Harry Styles!

 There was a slight twitch in her eye for a moment, then she grinned at me brightly, “I’m just kidding, Autumn. Just playing with you, of course!”

 Frankie turned to give me a strange expression, as if she’d just witnessed her mailman turn into a fire-breathing dragon. So I wasn’t the only one who saw that.

 Niall strode into the kitchen, before any of us could even attempt to repair the awkward conversation. He smiled at all of us, but lingered a bit longer on Frankie, before plopping down on one of the cushiony dining chairs.

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