• The Mouse and her Monster Premade (Available)•

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Originally made for @DangersUntold because I love the story she wrote. But because she already was making a cover for her story this has now become a premade.

This is how the cover looks when done.

This is how the cover looks when done

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The form remains the same.

This is for a steampunk + romance story. For those of you unaware of what steampunk means, it is basically a genre for books which have a sci-fi theme set in a historical setting. This can be used for Sherlock Holmes although it is not the best example for this genre as it is mainly a mystery/thriller book. However, if you look at Sherlock, he uses science and logic to solve his mysteries in prehistoric London. This is why steampunk becomes a subgenre of the book.

I will change the font to fit the mood of your story.


Name (The one you want on the cover):

Story Title:

Subtitle (optional):

Brief Summary (You've got to get me hooked so that I feel your story is worth my efforts): 5 to 7 lines, no more.

*Don't forget to credit this cover to me, either at the end or start of your summary or in the first chapter of your book. I'll check.*

There's no payment, so the first come first serve rule does not apply.

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