
773 39 11

Sent: 5/27/2014



Dear Amy,

         Hello, Amy. I'm currently on my bed, staring at the wall with your picture on it, your bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement, your brown hair everywhere, tangled, a mess, but there was still something evident in that picture: Beauty and life. 

         You looked so full of life there, smiling at the camera, your white knitted sweater looked cute on you as always.

         I have that sweater with me, you know? But it's soaked, soaked by my tears. Every time I see something that reminds me of you, I can't help but just cry; I know that crying is a sign of weakness, but I'm going to admit it, I'm weak, I'm not brave. I'm a fool.

         I was a fool for letting you go. For believing in Stella. She was your best friend, I didn't know that she wanted to ruin our relationship, we both didn't know. And it was stupid of me to believe her when she told me those six dreadful words - "Michael, Amy is fucking another guy."

         That infuriated me to no end. It was normal of me to get mad because of what Stella said, to get jealous, but I shouldn't have let you explained instead of letting you run away from me.

         I'm sorry, Amy, I really am. Sorry isn't enough, but there's nothing else I can do.

         I love you, to the moon and back, even though you probably don't love me anymore.  


                                                                   The boy who still can't get over you.

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