
540 38 12

Sent: 6/09/2014



Dear Amy,

         It's getting worse, Amy. The fans are noticing that I've become noticeably quiet. That I always seemed to have that gloomy demeanor around people. That I didn't laugh or smile like I used to. That the little spark in my eyes when I was with you was gone. The fans have noticed a lot, even more than me.

         The boys are concerned about my well-being. They said that I haven't been eating much lately. That they weren't used to me being quiet. Calum even thought that I was depressed.

          Well, maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But it doesn't matter. Nothing else matters.

      You were my world, Amy. You were my everything. And now that you're gone, there's this emptiness inside of me that makes me feel numb. Like everything else around me is black and white.

           Bye, Amy. Sorry for the short letter, Luke is knocking on my door right now.


                                                                   The boy who still grieves over you.

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