Not a Morning Person

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"The chosen one is...Rebekah Taylor!" The camp commandant announced through the microphone. "Please come up and show us your best Running Man dance move!"

Oh no. She gulped and reluctantly made her way from the back of the crowd to the stage.

"Music on!" Camp commandant yelled. Rebekah unsteadily got into position to do her running man dance. Her confidence completely dropping. All eyes were on her. The campers clapped and cheered as she started bobbing her head along to the music, trying to get into the feeling.

One, two, three, go! And a one, and a two... she began to do that ridiculous dance. Midway through, the crowd kept laughing. She told herself not to look at any of them but instead look straight at the wall. She let her guard down and accidentally looked at a guy laughing along with his friends. She took a big gulp as she felt her legs give way.

She slipped. And fell flat on her butt.

The crowd roared with laughter, everyone wiping their tears away. Oh my goodness. I have made a complete fool out of myself-

"Bekah! You better wake up or else the bus will leave you!" She jolted awake, so relieved that all that was just a dream.

"I'm awake Mom," Rebekah groggily called back. It was seven in the morning, way too early for her since she'd only manage to fall asleep at one that night.

Reluctantly leaving her warm and comfy bed, she got up and grabbed her towel to shower. Her bags stood in the corner of her room, packed to the brim with the basic necessities needed for camps.

Today was the first day of Camp Jiujitsu. It was a camp where different companies of the Girls and Boys Spyrate across the country would come together to bond and have fun.

Rebekah always had a love-hate relationship with camps. She loved the experiences and people she gets to meet. But hates the part where showering and changing in a small cubical comes around. And also, she wasn't quite good at making new friends very quickly as she was the slightest bit awkward.

"Hey guys," she greeted when she reached the venue where they were supposed to meet to get onto the bus to the campsite.

Her friends were already there, sitting together. Half of them were chatting and laughing while the other half was just...there. Rebekah put down her luggage and squeezed herself between them.

"You look spiffy," Raelynn groggily said. Guess she wasn't a morning person too.

Raelynn had sleek straight jet black hair with a dark blue streak. She spoke one language: sarcasm.

"What on earth does spiffy mean?" Bekah gave her a face.

"It means that-"

"Have any of you seen Juliana?" Vera inquired from the awake side of the circle. "She's always late."

Vera was a tall girl with dark brown hair and a spicy personality. She had pretty black eyes and the most on fleek eyebrows.

"She'll be here soon. We have fifteen more minutes before we leave," Nikita, or Nikki as her friends call her, replied.

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