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  "WHAT THE?" Jada shot up from her sleeping bag. "Who is playing that music?" she exclaimed, waking the sleeping Bekah next to her.

  "Oh my goodness, it's Ms. Pat!" Bekah laughed as she peered out the tent flap, holding it to the side with her arm. Ms. Pat was standing in the middle of the tent ground, blasting songs from a loud speaker she held.

  "Wake up girls! Get changed, brush your teeth, we have a full day ahead of us!" Ms. Pat announced through the megaphone she carried in her other hand.

  "Niki wake up," Bekah lightly shook her friend. The three of them somehow managed to crash in the same tent last night. One of Ms. Pat's rules was to choose tent buddies from different companies to mix around and make new friends.

  "Hey! Why did you three get to sleep together?" Raelynn asked as the whole gang was waiting-after they had washed up- under a gazebo for the morning's activities to begin. Bekah, Jada, and Niki just shrugged. "The girl I slept next to would not stop moving. Like i literally had an eighth of the whole tent! You three shanks," she sighed, "Breaking the rules."

  "Check it out," Vera nudged Bekah with her elbow, making her look up in the direction Vera was.

  "Oh no," Bekah buried her face in her hands. it was Trey and Gang. They were walking up the hill from the boys' tenting area. It was as if they were walking in slow motion, not even kidding.

The boys stopped and looked around for a place to perch, but the gazebo opposite the one the girls were sitting on was full of other girls and boys from different companies. Without much hesitation, the five guys made themselves comfortable at the gazebo Bekah and the other girls were under.

"Who gave them permission to park their butts here?" Raelynn demanded to Celine next to her.

"Their gluteus maximuses don't look nearly as nice as the ones from our company," Celine declared.

  "Morning Taylor," his raspy voice greeted. Trey had managed to sit beside Bekah, thanks to Vera, who moved to the other side of the gazebo.

  "Morning Yaeger," Although she could hear her friends secretly laughing and saying 'oh so sweet' behind her, she smiled back at him.

  "Did ya sleep well? There was a huge lump underneath my tent," he laughed.

  "Surprisingly  I did sleep well. Usually it's too stuffy and hot inside the tent, but this time was just fine."

  "That makes one of us."

  Somewhere on the other side of the gazebo, Vera, Raelynn, and Julianna were talking to another two of the boys, Kye and Mark. Turns out, Mark was a jerk who only thought very highly of himself and looked down on other companies.

  "That guy, Max, he's from your company right?"

  "Yeah..." Raelylnn replied.

  "He's a Section Leader but only has eight badges," Mark laughed. "Even I have more."

  "How many?" Juli asked.

  "Twelve." he turned to Kye who was next to him and said softer, "See, no company can beat Woodhurst. We're the best." Kye only returned him a dry smile.

  "Just because you have badges, doesn't mean you're character is very nice," Vera rolled her eyes at him. Mark pretended not to hear her and walked away.

  "Uh- sorry about him. His accomplishments get in his head sometimes. You guys have a great company too," Kye sincerely apologized and hurried after his friend.

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