Mike Wazowski

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Dinner was being served by Group 2. Ms. Pat had announced before dinner that everyone was to sit in their own groups so that they wouldn't just stick to their own friends from the same company.

The girls stood up to get in line, but the five boys got there first, Trey being the last in the line. For some reason, Raelynn and Jada decided to push Rebekah in front; guess they could smell a ship.

"Hey!-" she exclaimed just as she lost her balance and nearly rammed into Trey before she steadied herself using his back for support.

"After you," Trey looked behind at Rebekah. "Also next time you want to touch me, just ask," he teased, making Rebekah feel very very embarrassed.

She looked back at her friends, who were laughing their butts off, and sent them a glare.

"Whoops," Jada shrugged and continued laughing.

"I'm gonna kill you guys," she pointed at them and stepped in front of Trey, taking up his offer.

"There was this once, I was at my grandma's house, and my watch started like talking to remind me of something I had to do. Suddenly, she came charging out of the kitchen and threw her wooden spoon at me and yelled in Spanish 'what is that wretched thing you have brought into this house?! Why is it speaking?!' I'm like 'it's just a watch that is programmed to talk Grandma, chill," Daphne shared her funny stories, making Group 6 the loudest table of all.

Everyone had been talking and mingling with each other, except Rebekah who had kind of zoned out.

"Hello? Earth to Bekah," Trey snapped his fingers in front of her.

"Huh?" She looked around her table to see only Trey and one of the more quieter ones left. "Where did everyone go?"

"They finished eating, Blur Case."

"I'm not blur," she frowned.

"Yea that's why you didn't notice almost our entire group leaving."

"I was just thinking."

"About me?" He joked.

"Erm no, cough. About Mike Wazowski."

"Why're you thinking about a fictional green monster?"

"Does he blink or wink?"


"He has only one eye, so is it considered blinking or winking when he does it?"

"Uhh, i guess he blinks."

"Yeah same." they sat in awkward silence for awhile, Trey looking straight at her and Bekah trying to avoid his gaze by staring at the people behind him. "Um.. I'm just gonna go wash my plate," she said, smiling tightly. Trey nodded slightly and she got up.

"Hurry up slow poke," Trey teased as Bekah was washing her plate. He stood a few feet from the sink, arms crossed with a little smile plastered on his face.

"I didn't ask you to wait for me," she sassily replied, not looking at him.

"I didn't say you asked me to wait for you."

"Then don't ask me to hurry up! Washing a plate takes time and effort, it cannot be done in a hurry."

"Mhm, yep okay Taylor. Hurry up before I leave you here alone."

"Being alone would be better than your annoying presence," she fake-rolled her eyes. More softly she added, "What's worse than a teenaged boy?"

  "I heard that!"

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