Chapter 2

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*At the party*

I knocked on the door and was quickly greeted by Virgo.


"Hey," I said still slightly embarrassed by what happened at the mall 15 minutes ago.

"So who's coming?" I asked.

"Oh well, you know...Cancer, Taurus and her Aquarius, Saggi...obviously what's a party without her? And Cap, Libra, and Leo from school.Remember them? Oh! And Aries. He's bringing his girlfriend and a childhood friend. Apparently, we knew them from high school but he says it's going to be a surprise" Virgo said.

"Why is there anyone you're hoping for?" she said slyly.

"What? No" I said.

"I'm just too curious for my own good," I said hoping a certain someone wouldn't come.

Just then a flurry of knocks boomed on the door. Virgo opened the door to reveal Taurus standing with Auqa. Behind them was Cancer, Cap, Leo, and Libra. Cancer walked in calmly waving hi to Virgo and I. Suddenly Leo tackled me to the ground.

"Pisces where've you been babe?" he asked.

"Hi Leo...," I said pushing him off of me. When I opened her mouth to answer Leo's question Libra pulled me into a bear hug.

"Yeah Pi...we've missed you," Libra said pulling away.

But before I could react Cap practically choked me in a hug.

"Guys let her speak!" Virgo said chuckling.

"Thank you, Virgo!" I said flopping on the couch to catch my breath.

"Well, I've been living in the middle of LA for a while and just recently moved back to Starcove Valley. After moving back to my old place I realized Cancer still lived like 2 blocks away from me and we started talking and now I'm here," she said smiling.

"Haha, we all still live exactly where we used to, you idiot!" Leo said.

Just then another jumble of knocks boomed at the door. Virgo opened the door to reveal Aries. He was smiling, his arm around someone. Probably his girlfriend I thought. Just then my worst nightmare came true.

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