Chapter 1

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"The mushrooms are not alive. They look like houses. Rythian lets call them Mush-houses." Zoey said.

"Zoey I told you we cant go naming everything we're not the first ones here." I told her. We kept walking, Zoey wondered off while I was talking to Teep. We heard a scream and ran towards it.

"ZOEY! ZOEY ARE YOU..." I saw her, It wasnt Zoey but my sister, Samantha.

"Teep can you get me some water?" I asked him. If only my magic was working I could wake her up without hurting her with the water.

Teep came back with some water followed by Zoey.

"Rythian what's going on?" She asked.

"It's my sister." said while taking the bucket from Teep. I splashed the water on her face. it looked like it stung a bit. she woke up.

"What the... Rythian?" Samantha said. her voice sounded week, she was hurt.

"Samantha are you okay?" I asked her.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"The Twilight forest." I told her.

"Rythian, the queen is going to attack Blackrock castle." She said with urgency in her voice.

"That already happened, and how do you know about Blackrock?" I asked.

"I was sent to spy on you brother, I got lost on the way back to the end, and I went through the wrong portal." She told me. I felt mad. The queen sent my baby sister to spy on me. MY BABY SISTER!

"Rythian please calm down. if I never spied on you they would have killed me." Samantha said.

"What happened? Why are you hurt?" I asked.

"I got lost. I accidently came through. The wrong portal. I've been here for over a month, I think. I can't use my magic. We have to get out. Or else we'll die." She said between breaths.

"Teep is not a mage and Zoey is only a mage in training." I told her.

she pondered the fact and nodded in agreement with me.

"I know the way out. But I'm too week. I need your help Ryth... everyone." she said.

"Okay we'll help you. Just don't tell the queen were our new base is. If she finds it..." I stopped. I couldn't finish my sentence. It's to painful to think about.

"What will she do Rythian?" Zoey asked.

"Never mind that. Samantha how much magic do you have?" I asked.

"I'll check." she said slowly standing up and wincing at the pain. She tried levitating a rock; which was the first bit of magic we were taught. It only lifted about 5 inches off the ground.

"This... This is not good." I said in a panic.

"What's wrong Rythian?" Zoey asked worried.

"If we don't get out in about 168 hours... My sister might die." I said.

NOTE: That is about a week, because the Twilight forest has no day/night cycle I went with hours.

"I know the way out. But I'm to week to make the. Journey by myself." She told us.

"Can you walk or do you need Teep to carry you?" I asked in worry.

"I can walk for now. But I'll have to have, Ter? Carry me after about 48 hours." She said.

"His name is Tee not Ter." Zoey said in a plight way trying not to be rude.

"I'll try to remember that. I'm not the best with names." Samantha said with a slight laugh to her voice.

We started following Samantha. I heard an enderman. "Not now dammit." I muttered.

"What is it Rythian?" Zoey asked

"Enderman." Samantha said with anger in her voice.

"Samantha sit this one out. Your magic is depleting." I said.

"I can't!" She snapped.


"We share the same hatred of endermen. It's just. I'm sorry." She said.

"I know." I said while hugging her.

"Lets just focus on getting out of here. Then we can help her." Zoey said.

"Hopefully." I say.

Tee looked at me concerned. "If only you could talk." I said to him.

"I know how. to make him talk." Samantha said.

"But we can't use magic here and you're the only one who knows how to use the spell." I said.

"Why don't you know it Rythian?" Zoey asked.

"She was born with that power. I am unable to use it." I say.

Zoey yawned. "I'm getting tired. Can we camp here for the night?" Zoey asked.

"Zoey. it doesn't get dark here. It's always twilight here." I explained to her.

"Oh. Well that makes sense considering the name of the place." Zoey said.

"We'll camp here for a few hours then we'll go again." I said.

They all shook their heads in agreement. I made a fire. Zoey and Tee fell asleep. Samantha and I were still awake.


There is more to come next week. Sorry about the long wait... and the cliff hanger bit.


~Kam/ Kamryn/ JJSHAK/ Sap/ Sappy

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