Chapter 4

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"I'll handle it. I have Enderbane." I claims. I walked toward the enderman sounds, adrenalin piping through my vains.

"Come at me you Ender bastords." I said through grit teeth.

It came and I couldn't have been anymore ready. It was the one that told the queen that Samantha and I bumped into it and made the queen hurt Samantha and I as well as kill our parents. This was all.



"I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed while stabbing him through the heart. The hiss of the sword was the last sound before he died on first contact of the sword.

Smiling contently under my mask, I walked back to Sammie, Zoey, and Tee. They all looked slightly shocked.

"Rythian your rage. its back." Sammie said, struggling the words.

"It was the enderman that put us in this mess. The one that got our entire family hurt. It was that bastard." I claimed, breathing deeply, ring to contain the rage that was building up inside of me.

"Well just. calm down. Your eyes. They are the. color of. enderman blood." Sammie gasped.

"Sammie look. It got you hurt and I got mom and dad killed. I'm just mad. I'm sorry." I said trying to calm myself with no success.

"I gotta go clear my head." I grumble, taking out my flying ring and shoveling it on my finger as I quickly let the magic lift me of the ground. I quickly flew off . All I think of was pain and torcher.

"Why did that damn enderman have to come back?" I asked myself while landing on top of a tree. "Dammit how did they get to the twilight?This place is not supposed to have them." I landed on the thickest branch I could, trying to figure out everything I could.

I stayed up in the tree for hours letting my mind wonder. I could see everything from up here. I saw Tee had made a fire. The girls had fallen asleep. And there where no Enderman in sight. I was so tired, my eyes heavy, I slowly let sleep over take me.

*dream land*

"GET AWAY!" I screamed.

"You can never escape us Rythian, you are one of us." The queen said.


"Yes you are. You almost became one of us today. You killed for vengeance." She rebudled.



I jerked upwards as I escaped the dream I have drempt 1000 times. Head in hands I murmur to myself.

"I hate that dream."

"RYTHIAN WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard Zoey yell as she wandered through the woods below trying to find me.

Oh yeah I'm in a tree. (E/N WOW RYTHIAN JJ)

I flew back down, quickly landing I front of Zoey I quickly wrapped her in a hug.

"Sorry I had to clear my head and I fell asleep in a tree." I said clutching her close to me.

"It's okay I understand you were mad." Zoey mummer through my cloths as she slowly pulled away.

"We have less than 24 hours. We should find the portal back home." I said looking overat Sammie. She looked pale and weak, we had to hurry.

"That's why I wanted to find you." Zoey said looking slightly desperate also looking towards Sammie.

"Come on, Let's go. Tee pick up Sammie. Sammie make sure you point to where we have to go, save your energy and don't talk. Zoey, you and I need to talk while we are walking to the portal." I ordered.

Tee picked up Sammie without hesitation. And quickly followed us as we left the camp sight moving as fast as we could to make up for lost time.

"What did you want to talk about Rythian?" Zoey asked.

"It's Sammie. I can't talk to her about herself. I can't talk to Tee about it because I need someone to respond back to me." I told her. Looking back at Tee holding Sammie close to him, I turn back to Zoey.

"Do you think she will be able to do magic again?" I asked, trying not to let any concern flood out of my voice.

"Of course," Zoey answered without hesitation,

"How do you know?" I asked, amazed by her certainty.

"She is related to you and you never give up. Even when you found out about B.A.R.R.Y. You never gave up on me." Zoey answerd.

"You always know what to say." I smiled. I quickly pulled down my mask and kissed her. I still had the smile on my face as I pulled my mask back up over my face.

Tee tapped my shoulder. (A/N: XD I just did a major fail. Instead of typing shoulder I typed photo. XD I'm smart.) (E/N WOW JJSHAK)

"What is it Tee." I asked him, trying not to sound annoyed.

His claw pointed to a glowing spot a bit aways and after a second I realized. It was the portal. Home was just beyond that portal but something didn't felt right about it.

"Tee take my flying ring and fly up into the trees with Sammie and Zoey. I have to fight to win" I declare slipping the ring off and handing it to Tee. (E/N Jeez Rythian, so sure of yourself)

"How do you know?" Zoey asked worriedly.

"I feel them." I spit, venom filled in my voice.

A/N: yay another chapter. I'm going to give you two chapters of this book. The next one will be up in a bit. I gotta type it first :P. SEE YEAH LATER! ~Kam/ Kamryn/ Sap/ Sappy/ JJSHAK

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