Chapter 5

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They all quickly scrambled up the tree as I unsheathed enderbane. It hurt like hell but I had to use it, I had to protect them.

Before I could blink there were 20 endermen surrounding me. I knew I could only fight them one at a time. They were strong, but I was stronger. After an hour of intense fighting,there were about five left.

I was tired of fighting and my arms were fatigued but the job was not yet done. An enderman teleported away I couldn't see where it went, not letting that distract me I swiftly killed three more. Just as I slew the fourth one, enderbane broke and the fifth one attacked me from behind. and I fell. I had nothing to kill it with, I was defenseless, I had lost.

I screamed in pain as I slammed into the hard ground.

"RYTHIAN!" Zoey screamed from atop the trees. She jumped down the trees and started attacking the endermen with SuperJim, to protect me, to keep the Enderman from attacking me.

As the endermen died Zoey rushed to my side, not showing any signs of knowaledge that she had just killed something. "Rythian! Rythian are you okay?!" Zoey asked in a panic.

I was stunned. I have never seen her attack or kill anything. I was speechless. It's like it wasn't even Zoey attacking the endermen.

"I'm... I'm fine." I said feeling mixed feelings.

Her eyes looked different. They started glowing and eery yellow shade.

"Zoey your... Your eyes are glowing." I told her, trying to push myself off the ground

"No... No... This is not good." She said freaking out, slowly backing away from me.

"Zoey its fine. We can get through th-" I was cut off by Zoey screaming at me.

"NO! ITS NOT FINE!" She turned and ran deeper into the forest, her sobs echoing through the forest.

"Dammit Zoey! Tee take Sammie through the portal and bring her back to Caber Town, I need to find Zoey." I said. Tee nodded in agreement and took Sammie through the portal. I turned from it and ran in the direction Zoey had fled. I had to catch up with her.

"Zoey! Zoey!" I screamed after her hoping she would stop. When I finally caught up to her I found her sitting and crying at the base of a tree.

"Zoey what's wrong?" I asked her sitting down next to her and grasping her hand, trying to comfort her. She let out a loud wail and birthed herself into my chest.

"It's my eyes. They warned me. I just never thought it would happen." She said sobbing mumbling into my chest.

"Who warned you?" I asked her, pulling her away from me, looking deep into her eyes as she opened her mouth to answer.

(A/N: OMG! XD I'm watching Supernatural while typing this and I just heard someone say "Coffee over here please Ridge." And I am just thinking of Ridgedog right now. Dammit Supernatural.)

*Sammie's POV*

"Your name please." A nurse said, looking down on me in the hospital bed Tee had laid me in,

"Samantha. Endeborn." I replied softly. It hurt so much to talk.

"Are you by any chance related to Rythian?" A voice asked.

Tee moved away and I met with the eyes of the person who looked like the mayor.

"Hello mayor Ravs." The nurse greeted, bowing her head.

Looking closer at Ravs, he looked kind of cute. (A/N: #SAVS XD I'm not normal.)

"Yes." I mummer still starring at him. He turned to the nurse, chest puffing up with athoraty.

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