Chapter One - Life of the CasaNova

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Addicted To My CasaNova

Copyright © 2012 by Alice Joseph

CAUTION: This Chapter contains rude and adult words. If you are under eighteen, I would suggest you skip those words or take your parents permission before you read.

Chapter 1 - Life of the CasaNova

The sexy hot girl walked into the cafeteria. She had this cocky attitude as if she owned the place, but she really didn’t know that he owns this school and he rules it. His school. His rules. And you go by those rules. Period. Or else you become the school’s new entertainment and that’s what Greenhill high school is all about. That’s what Nova is all about.

Ooo Sexy Nova thought as she past by him. She was a sexy chick but it’s not like he hasn’t seen anything like her before. Hell, he’s seen much more sexier but it’s not like he’s gonna let this hot chick go. Oh no, he had plans for her, bigger plans. Once he gets a hot sexy girl in his sights, she stays in his sight until he’s done with her.

“Oh man, I really need to talk to her” His best friend Cole said sitting beside him as he looked at his girlfriend Chloe, who was pretty mad at him for days. Cole was good looking alright with black hair and green eyes, but he was the sensitive guy and he sure would keep one girl at his side until that girl dumped him herself. He wouldn’t cry but he would get upset when he’s out of a relationship. That’s Cole for you. And Nova hated his sensitive side.

“Man, that’s one fine ass” Lee said on his right, looking at the hot girl who walked in. Yup, every guy had sights for her, but it’s not like they’ll make a move. They know better. Nova always makes the first move but only if he finds the girl interesting. But he never interferes with his friends’ girls. He may be a dick but he’s a guy with honor.

“Nova, I think I’m gonna go talk to her” Cole muttered and stood up but before Cole could go, Nova grabbed his hand. He smirked at his best friend “She’ll come to you. Sit down” Oh yeah she sure will cause Nova saw her look at Cole when she walked in. Nova was experienced but he was an experienced love guru. And he sure as hell can tell when a girl is interested.

Cole scowled and sat back down “How do you know? She hasn’t been speaking to me since 3 days” Yeah she hasn’t been speaking to Cole but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t talked to Nova. Cole was totally opposite to Nova. Where Cole is shy and sensitive, Nova keeps himself blunt and straight-forward. The only reason Cole was Nova’s friend was because Cole is the only person who can pull Nova back and has got his back since kinder garden. Cole is practically a brother to Nova and he’s glad he has Cole.

Nova sighed. He knew he was about to piss of his friend but that didn’t matter because he loved annoying Cole and love to see him fight his sensitive side. “Dude, who’s the love guru?” He asked Cole

Cole frowned “You are”

“Who’s more experienced?” Nova asked smoothly but he was really enjoying himself inwardly.

“You are” Nova could tell Cole was getting annoyed and he loved to piss off his best friend.

“Who’s more sexier?” He asked and he knew this was the last straw.

“You are!” Cole yelled annoyed. The whole cafeteria looked at him. Nova pursed his lips together from laughing out when Cole turned red as he looked around, but then he suddenly snapped his head back on Nova, realizing what he said. Cole scowled at Nova “Man, fuck you” Nova knew Cole wasn’t serious. He knew Cole would never hurt him, which is why he takes advantages of that every time.

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