Chapter Two - New Girl

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Addicted To My CasaNova

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2012 by Alice Joseph.

Chapter 2 – New Girl

Nova pulled himself up on Rick’s car front. They all had just arrived to school and Nova was pissed. It’s Monday morning and Nova was tired from sleeping late last night. His eyes were red and drowsy and he was tired as hell. All he wanted to do was find a pillow and lay down anywhere, where he could shut his eyes. All night he had one thing on his mind, the blond sleeping beauty. All night he had thought about her. Her big, beautiful green eyes keep flashing in his mind. Her plump lips, rosy cheeks and her shiny long blond hair, all these kept repeating in his head. And how her small body was held against him.

Who was she? Was she new in town? Why did she wanna die? All these thoughts roamed his mind. All night he tossed and turned thinking about her till finally sleep came to him. It really annoyed him how one girl could make him like this. He never felt like this for anyone. For any girl. And it really frustrated him. He didn’t want to think about her. She was just another girl, yet he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Since the past two days that girl roamed his mind.

Why did she wanna die though? She looked really beautiful and from her expensive clothing, she looked rich too but what made her life so miserable? She wanted to jump in the sea, the angry roaring sea and that’s suicidal. She looked like she was coming from someone’s funeral since she was wearing all black and so were her brother and the other girl. Maybe someone close to her died. Maybe that’s why she’s sad.  She was drunk too or maybe stoned. Those sad, red rimmed eyes flashed in Nova’s mind again.

Damn it! Why the fuck is she not leaving my mind?

“Hello?” Nova snapped out of his thoughts as Leo answered his phone call. “Um yeah this is me” He said frowning. Nova could hear a girl’s voice from the other side. He knew it must be one of those nerds who have crushes on them and won’t stop annoying. Any other time, it would have been funny hearing all this but right now Nova was pissed. Pissed because of one girl who has somehow entranced his mind.

All the guys and girls in the group stared at Leo as he talked. After he finally finished talking, he snapped his phone shut and grinned at them. “I just spoke to the stupidest girl ever” He said laughing

“Why? What’d she say?” Nova asked trying to get his mind of the girl in his head. He needed to get his mind off the girl. She wasn’t important. She was some stranger who came and gone. Leo chuckled “She called me to ask for my number” He burst out laughing and the others followed. “I mean, how thick can she get” He said shaking his head. Martin laughed “Must be some blond”

“Hey!” Heather, a girl in the group said. Heather was a popular girl and she was smoking hot. Her blond hair and blue angel eyes make her look innocent though Nova and the guys knew she’s nowhere near innocence. Heather also is English, which also is a turn on since her accent is sexy. “Leave her alone man” Nova jokingly said to Martin as he wrapped his arms around Heather from behind. Heather is Nova’s current girlfriend who will only last for probably a month or less. Though no matter what, Nova will always remember the sex.

And the tattoo on her ass

“Oo baby, why are you so sexy” She said in her sexy accent. Nova smirked while trailing kisses down her neck. He didn’t care people were watching. Nova never cares about what people think. He does what he likes to do. Always. Leo grinned “Yes Nova, tell her why your so sexy” The other guys grinned as well and shook their heads. Nova looked at Leo and smirked “I ask myself that everyday” The boys burst out laughing.

Addicted To My CasaNova (Bad Boy in love #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon