Chapter 1.4

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(I think this story is going to be more drawn out and less smutty. If you're looking for that kind of stuff, you can find it in my library. I'll be adding to it every so often. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!)

  Tord walks cautiously back to his booth. All the food remains untouched on the table, but some of the plates on Tom's side are out of place. Obviously a struggle. On the center of the table sits a small stick note. A small phone number written in curly writing is all that fills the yellowish paper. He starts to panic. He falls back into the leather seat and holds onto the table to catch himself. "Oh god what did I do?" He mutters himself. As he swipes his winter jacket off the small rack, he sprints home. The tracks on his boots leave small prints in the powder. His breath is heavy and strong, blowing small cloud of steam with every exhale. The door practiclay shatters as he barges into the small apartment. "They fucking took Tom" Matt reaches out to Tord and grabs his arm. "Clam down Tord what happened?" "I-I-I don't...." He's practically shaking. Edd hears the commotion and brings down a couple of blankets. "What's wrong?" "Tom's been kidnaped!" The words left Edd in shock and poor innocent Matt close to tears. They all sit down at the kitchen table and think. Silence fills the room as the boys think of a solution. After ten minutes of silent thinking, Tord threw his arms into the air, launching his blanket into Matt's face. After a small laugh he speaks. "Tom has my hoodie!" He gestures to the blue sweatshirt he was wearing, different from his usual red. "And...." "I have a small microchip in the indoor pocket at all times. I can ping it from my computer!" "That's great, but why do you have a microchip in your sweatshirt?" Tord feels his stomach churn. "Uhhhhh...I don't want it to get lost?" He bites his lip, thinking up with more excuses, but they seem to buy it. He lets out a small sigh of relief. Edd and Matt wait as Tord darts into his room to get his small laptop. THey move over to the couch and Matt snuggles up to Edd, laying across his lap. Tord returns to the couch and Edd returns his focus to Tord, but Matt's eyes are caught by the laptop. It's covered in stickers of places Tord's been in different languages. Some he could decipher because of his knowledge in world language, but most of them looked like something he had never seen before. Some characters matched english letters, but others could have been ancient hieroglyphs for all he knew. He shakes his head and refocuses on the others. They are staring to the computer and pointing at different pixels, muttering things to each other every so often. Edd remained silent, listening closely to the small conversation. "They're......moving?" The small red dot on the screen maintained a constant speed as it darted across the screen. "Do you wanna go after them?" "As much as I want too, I'm afraid we're not going to prepared. Be ready to leave at 7:00 sharp tomorrow, if you are willing to help of course." They both nod and Tord smiles. "We're gonna get him back, ok?" "Ok." They all head off to their rooms and Matt gives Tord a quick goodnight. Matt and Edd snuggle up and hit the hay. Tord climbs into bed and pulls the sheets over him. Greif flows over him and he breaks down. He bawls into his pillow. After an hour or so Matt appears in Tord's room. "You ok?" Tord quickly wiping the tears away from his face. His cheeks are bright red. "Y-yeah I just can't sleep." His face immediately cringed. "God I'm such a fucking baby." He puts his head back into his pillow. "I mean, you can sleep our room for if you wanna. It might help?" He lifts his head up. "R-really?" Matt nods his head. "Thanks so much. I'll be over in a sec." Tord throws a pair of pajama pants over his shorts and head into the boy's room. He plops down onto the bed and is immediately snuggled by Edd and Matt. He already feels a bit better. His friends will always be there for him, and he knows it. Shortly after, Edd flicks off the light once more and they all fall asleep. Tord sleeps on one though "I'm coming for you Tom. WE'RE coming for you. It's gonna be ok." He wakes up two hours earlier than the other two boys, slightly tangled together. Tord squirms out of of the sleepy guys, and they immediately close the gap, cludling back together. Tord starts to pack a large black duffle bag with rope, duct tape, and other gadgets from his treasure trove of old Russian goodies. The last things he pulls out but hesitates on. Three small handguns. He shoves them deep into the bag along with a small ammo box labeled in small Russian font and zips it shut. 6:05. Time to wake the sleepy-heads up. As he walks into the room, he is met by the two passionately kissing, Matt laying on top of Edd. They held each other tight, close together. Though they were clothed from the waist own, Matt still rolled his hips and stomach into Edd. After a minute of staring, they noticed Tord at the doorway and paused, then put themselves back into the position they were sleeping. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I'll go." Edd speaks out. "No it's fine, what do you need?" Tord was bright red. "I was just going to wake you guys up, but I see you beat me to it." They both laugh. Matt chimed in. "We'll be out in a sec." Tord smiled and walked away from the door.   

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