Chapter 2.1

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Tord locked in his small laptop into the dashboard of his black sedan after he threw the duffel bag of goodies into the back seat. He holstered his gun and the passenger seat gun into a small custom piece sticking out of this cup holder. He slouched over his steering wheel and dropped his small smile. "We're gonna save you Tom, and everything is going to be ok." As Edd and Matt approach the car, he shifts his dreadful mood to a serious one. He asks Matt to sit in front with him and swivels the laptop so it's facing him. He's practically overflowing with excitement, relaxing the tension in the car. As Edd climbs into the car, he picks up a 22 Glock from his seat. Its weight surprises him, having never held a real gun, but he adjusts himself and aims it to get a feel. Edd loves paintballing and has held guns like this many times, but never a real one. He grabs a full cart and slips it into the weapon, them hides it in between the seats. "Matt you're our navigator." Matt is already beaming pride, happy to help, scrolling through the different maps on the computer. "It's ok for now guys, we are in safe territory, but be on alert when I say so." Tord shifts the car into gear and starts to follow the directions. As he pulls onto the highway, he flips out his phone and hands it to Edd. "Can you enter the number on the sheet of paper in the duffel bag." Nodding he takes the phone and starts to enter the number. Before he hits call, he hands it back to Tord. The driver taps the green button and brings the phone to his ear. Edd and Matt listen to half the conversation as Tord begins to talk. "Hello ....... Yes ...... Wait what ...... Y-yes ...... Please don't hurt him ...... I swear to god if you ....... Yes .... Ok I understand." "What did they say?" "They want me." The words hung in the car. "Why you?" "Lets just say that I'm involved with a big company, doing work undercover." Matt's face let up. "Oh my god you're a spy." Edd looked more shocked then both of them. "Why Tord?" "Had the skills and training from where I came from, before I was banished. After that, company after company, country after country were offering to hire me. The pay was good and I wanted to prove that I could do something with my life." "So whoever took Tom, took him because of that." Tord glued his eyes back to the road. He wanted to respond but he couldn't. He choked back tears and muttered out a small "yes". It hurt his heart knowing for a fact he was the reason Tom was gone. He was the reason Edd and Matt's lives are on the line. "I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have ever-" "No Tord," Matt spoke up surprisingly, "It's ok! We all make mistakes and shit happens, but I think I speak for both Edd and I when I say that we support you and we're gonna save Tom." Edd nodded his head in agreement as Tord smiled, tears dripping down his face. "Thank you guys. You almost mean as much to me as Tom." The last sentence slipped of his lips and he tensed after admitting it, but he meant it. "We really like you too Tord, it's ok." The GPS interrupted their moment. "Turn left off of highway." They were in a small remote town, surrounded by tall oak trees. The sun was close to setting so the air was filled with an orangey purple hue. "Ok we're close, be prepared for trouble. But holster your weapon somewhere they can't see it and grab a knife and slip it into your pocket. You never know. This is gonna be a Trojan Horse operation because I happen to know this company and we have their standard transport vehicle. As far as they know, we're part of them." As the vehicle approached the tall gated building, a worker sat at a control panel that operated the gates. Tord rolled this window and stared into the man's eyes, aiming his gun at his heart. He immediately complied and opened the gate. He began to drive into the complex, but he flipped his silenced gun again and shot him in the middle of his eyes. "Remember, these are all bad people working for an evil government company and they took Tom! Do whatever you have to do to retrieve the hostage." Edd and Matt both gulped, coming to the conclusion that they were going to have to kill someone.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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