I Fell in Love with a Fat Girl (2)✔️

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I Fell in Love with a Fat Girl.

(Romance, Humor, Mature, BxG)

Rated PG13

"Hey ... look at that one" I looked at the direction he pointed at.

"Niiiiiiicce!" I whisked "But feast your eyes over there"

"Woe!.......Look at it bounce!" he beamed, his eyes practically popping out of his head.

"I know right" I smirked watching them go.

"Oh god I just wanna stick my head in there and just--"

"Nah ah, sorry dude I spotted her first"

"Wait your planning to go for that?"

"uh...... yeah, no shit dude" I said rolling my eyes.

"Dude are you sure? She's at a high level, even higher than me."

"Nothing is higher than your calorie intake fatass..."

He rolled his eyes "My point is, your gunna get shot down"

"Oh please who would reject all this?" I motioned at myself, confident in my looks.

"Whatever" he puffed.

We pounded knuckles then I made my way over to those beautiful double D size giggiloes

"Well hello there beautiful" I leaned on the locker next to hers, looking down at her.

She looked me up and down checking me out. And who wouldn't, I am incredibility handsome. Justin Beiber has nothing on me.

she scrunched her nose "what do you want geek"

"Ouch that actually hurt me,...right here"

I placed my hand on her chest loving the soft squishiness of her breasts.

"Eww get you hands off me you perv!" she slapped me across the face and stormed off. Hue came next to me clapping his hands.

"she so wants me" I smiled.

"No she doesn't."

"shut up"

I walked towards my locker with Hue behind me. He watched the halls as I got my books.

"Dude I don't think--" he stared but cut short.

"Don't think what?" I asked.


"Dude what?"

I turned to him "Helloooo? Earth to Huuuuue!" I snapped my fingers in his face.

Sighing I took out a paper bag" I have a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich" he grabbed it already stuffing it in his mouth.

"uhem!" I coughed.

He looked up a perverted smile on his face. The smile that I love because that could only mean one thing...

He nodded his head to the right. I shot my eyes in the commanded direction.

"H-Hue!" I gasped "I think we just hit the mother load...."

Walking down the hallway came a rare and priceless work of art of the female species. Her boobs bounced with such a grace and mano rhythm, it would be easier to make god show his face than look away. Those jeans held some powerful magical powers 'cause boy was it making my wand zap.

"Dude your putting up a tent! Calm down" but I couldn't. That girl did to me what no porno could ever do in my life.

"Dude! I'm loosing you! Mickle! Mickle!"

I watched as she came closer. When her eyes landed on me she smiled. I swear I almost came on the spot.

"OH MY GOD!" her face got red and she turned away. I herd laughing from guys near me and a few shrieks from girls. Next thing I new Hue was dragging me in the bathroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" he yelled throwing me on the floor.

"Oh god Hue did you see that!? She smiled at me"

"Well she's not going to do it again I could tell you that! I think you scared the girl"

"What makes you think that?"

"I would be if I saw THAT standing nice and tall! " he pointed at my pants.

"hu?" I looked down at the obvious boner.

"shit!" I cursed and walked in a stall.

"I'll be outside. Finish up stupid. Horny dumb fuck" he mumbled the last part.

"Herd you fatass" the door closed and I got down to business.

'I'm getting her. She's the one I want. I'm not letting this one slip away no matter what.......' I thought.

Mickle Cole, title: schools perv. Tall, skinny, big glasses, braces, and nerdy.

It's a new year at Moneten High. New set of students, fresh start, and a whole year closer to graduating and getting the heck out of there. But Mickle and Hue have different plans. It's Junior year for them and their up to no good, like always. Both the schools official perverts girls tend to keep their distance but they don't let that stop them. With their overly confident selves, and no feeling of shame, they continue to molest and scare off most of girl population.

And the hard to believe part of it all is that their still virgins. Actually it's not hard to believe since they grouse off most girls they meet.

But anyway, Mickle swore himself to "the one" but that doesn't stop him from (trying) to get girls. He's desperate to loose it already and has trouble keeping it in his pants. But guess what..............?

Yup! You guessed it right! His dream girl has finally arrived! Now what will Mickle do to get her????

Inspiration: This is a spinoff of The Party to Remember. This tells the story of Felixs' Mother and Father.

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