Chapter 9

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(Joey's vov)

I grunted pushing off the guy but he didnt move. "What do you want and who are you?" I said whinning begin uncomfortable with him staring at me.

He didnt like this question since he let go of me and opened his mouth to speak but soon group of people came running in.

"Joey!!!" They all shouted at the same time. I swore the guy next to me looked them before he stood up and went to sit somewhere else

It didnt took long for them surrounding me asking me questions which I was drowing in. I saw the guy who kissed me left the room. I wonder why.

After a while I learned I was in a coma due to a accident as well the guy who was kissing me. His name was Seto Kaiba. Plus the people that came in running were my friends along with my sister Serenity.

I learned all of this from Mokuba. Seto's little brother. Since he was one willing to tell me the truth that Seto and me were once lovers.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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