Chapter Forty-Seven

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Stef's P.O.V

I was starting to get scared when Lena was saying that stuff, about me and Mike. I mean she was just in shock still right? She doesn't really think those things. Right? I mean she wouldn't really think that it was all my fault. She is not one to hold grudges for very long, she usually forgives me, and almost never brings it up unless she is really mad. Let's just hope it's one of those times.

We lay in bed, silent. After our little argument and then our make-out session, we made our way up here, then stripped each other.

"I'm sorry, I said all those things. I didn't mean any of what I said."

"I forgive you." I kiss her naked shoulder.

"I'm glad, becasue I love you, Stefanie."

"I love you too, Lena."

"I still get excited when you walk trough the door at night after work, and any time before then." I smile.

"I still get excited when I walk into your office and not have to worry about Gretchen, straddling you in your chair. Because now that's MY job."


"What? It's true."

"Be serious, I'M being serious."

"I still get excited when you pick up the phone, when I am just calling to say 'hi'." She smiles. Just then, Lena joltes out of bed and startes grabbing, our scattered clothes.

"Lena, what are you doing?" I ask her, so very confused.

"I feel like we are neglecting our kids, so I am going to get dressed and so are you, so we can go get our kids. I know this is pretty much our new-planned honeymoon, because our FIRST honeymoon kind of didn't go as planned. So in other words, get off your great behind, and cover it up. Please." She stops running around the room like a lunitic, so she can smile at to convince me to get dressed.

"What you do if I said no?" I say smirking, I knew not to do this becasue she would turn into mama bear, but I was 'curious'.

"What?" She looks at me confused.

"I said, what would you do if I said no?"

"I don't know and I won't ever know because, you are going to get out of bed, and get dressed right?" I don't say anything I just pull the cover over my head. She stays silent, and I don't hear her move. She suddenly ripps the covers off my head. She stares into my eyes, and I know she is playing along. "Mrs. Adams Foster, are you being a bad girl?"

"I don't know am I?" She smirks, before straddling me. My hands move up and down her naked hips and sides. My hands rest on her hips before, she leans down and kisses my neck, sucking on my sensitive spot. She nibbles on my ear. She cups my center, and my breating hitched. She whispers into my ear,

"Get out of bed, Woman." She rubs, softly, sending tingles all through out my body. She hops off the bed, gathering the pile of clothes she dropped.

"You really are a Saint aren't you?" I say smiling. She turns to look at me.

"Yup." She throws my clothes at me, and walks off into the bathroom, to make sure I cant stop her again. I smile and get dressed like I was asked. She comes out of the bathroom a couple minutes later, fully clothed in her casual flowy top, and pencil skirt. She looks at me, in my light blue jeans, and my flannel. I don't usually don't wear flannel because, Lena always tries to steal it. That meany pants.

"Can we go now, or are you going to act up again, little girl." She playfully asks.

"Excuse me I think you have the wrong person, because last time I checked, Ma'am," I stand up, walking to her, placing my hands on her hips. "I am older then you. You might be taller, but I am certainly not little." She smiles and smacks my ass.

"Let's go, Mrs. Adams Foster." She takes my hand in her's and we walk downstairs. We sit in our chairs by the front door, to put on our shoes. I grab my keys and, we walk outside to my black SUV. With Lena behind me, we make our way down the path, when Mike comes around from the bush, that's at the at the end, beside our driveway. He looks angry, but I don't understand why. If anything we should be he ones that get to be mad, after all he is the one that should walking around his flippin' prison cell, eating slop, but instead he is walking around town.

He looks at us, and his face goes cherry red. He speed walks up the tiny hill, that leads up to our house. I block Lena so he can't do anything to her. She peeks from around my head, with her hand on my shoulder, watching him as he makes his way up here faster.

"YOU!" He shouts, pointing a finger at us. He stops in front of us, with his finger still pointed at us.

"What the hell do you want Mike?" I ask furious.

"Because of you two, I lost my job!"

"How did we have anything to do with that?" Lena asks.

"They said they were letting me go, because I keep getting arrested, so they just let me go now before I actually DO get arrested."

"Well that sounds like a you problem, now doesn't it? Now if you don't mind, Lena and I have some where to be. And try anything, and I will kick your ass and oh look, the neighbors, are out looks like we have a witness, so you can get actually arrested this time. Bye, Mike." I say before walking to the car with Lena following close behind me, with my hand in her's. I get in the driver's seat and watch as Lena, gets in the passenger's side, and Mike stands in our lawn, watching our every move. Creep.

I start the engine, pull out of the driveway and make our way to Stuart and Dana's hotel. When we arrive, there are ambulances and police cars everywhere around the hotel. Lena and I look at each other, before jumping out of the car and running to their Stuart and Dana's hotel room, only to find Stuart, laying on the floor with paramedics surrounding him I look up to see Dana holding Jesus and Mariana, they were both screaming their heads off because of all the commotion, and right beside Dana, attached to her leg is Brandon, with tears rolling down his little face.

"DADDY!" Lena shouts. She tries to run to him, but I grab her arms, restricting her from getting in the way. She tries to pull away, then she sops. She turns, and looks at me with teary eyes. She walks to me and I hold her while she just sobs loudly, onto my shoulder. Then we are asked to move, so they can get him out, and to the hospital. Dana walks over to us. I take Mariana while Lena takes Jesus. Brandon comes running to me and clings to my leg.

"It's okay, B." I say, while we go and sit on the couch. It's probably better, that we stay here for a bit while we get all our shit together, instead of running into the hospital like a heard of elephants.

"Why didn't you call me?" Lena asks her mother. I can understand where she is coming from.

"I was going to call you, but I had to hold the twins, and Brandon was too upset too, but I was going to call you when he was sent to the hospital."

"Are you kidding me?! The twins were crying anyway, it wouldn't have changed anything if you put them down in their cots and you call me!" There was no room on the couch for so she was just pacing.

"Sit down, Love." She comes over and sits on my lap, while I rub her back with one hand, while I hold Mariana with the other.

"I am sorry." Dana says leaving her head hanging low.

"Oh you're sorry! That makes it better now doesn't it? Cause by the looks of it daddy is still in the hospital."

"Love, how about we just go home, then we can go see your dad. Okay?" Her face relaxes and she nods. So she gets up off my lap, collecting the things the kids brought here, from the house and we go home.

By the time we get home, Brandon, Mariana and Jesus are passed out. So Lena and I go around and I grab Brandon and Jesus, while Lena grabs Mariana. We walk inside and put all the kids to bed, before going to our own bed. I am sitting against the head board, and Lena is laying beside me with her head on my lap, while I stroke my fingers through her curls. I hear slight snores, and smile to myself and drift off to sleep. Cause today is going to be a long day.

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