Forming Vol... tron?

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Lance's POV
        "You're so stupid sometimes." Keith says smirking at me because he clearly thought my current situation was funny. Keith was holding back laughter because just a few minutes ago Keith yelled, "Holy shit! I found Lance's diary!" He probably thought I didn't hear him. I ran into the living room area of the castle and he was there reading away.

        I knew I couldn't let him read the back of it. I mean I skipped a whole bunch of pages and wrote at the back so in case any one found my journal they would think it was over and there was nothing else that was where I wrote about my massive crush on Keith. I ran to grab it attempting to jump over the back of the couch. Key word being attempting. My foot caught the back and I fell. Keith held out a hand to help me up. I took it and pulled him down with me.

        I wrestled with him furiously trying to reclaim my journal. He pushed me down and made it so he was straddling me. "I wasn't actually going to read it you know." He says casually. "Oh." Was all I could say considering my position. "I saw it in here and I was going to give it back but I had to tease you a Little first." He stared down at me with a small smile on his face. He held the journal out to me but I didn't care about that anymore.
       I grabbed a handful of his shirt and pressed my lips to his. He started kissing back and forgot about the journal altogether and dropped it in the floor. He laid me back onto the floor and placed his hands on either side of my head. I was surprised but at the same time relieved. He began to trail down and kiss my jaw. "What do you think you two are doing?" Shiro asked sternly. Keith and I both began blushing a very deep red color.

        "Forming Vol... tron?" Keith tried but it was the worst lie that anyone could even think of. "You know what never mind, I don't care. I just need more sleep it's too early for this." Shiro walked out of the room without even giving us a second glance. Now that I think of it, it is pretty early. "Forming Voltron? Is that the best you can do?" I asked. Keith shrugged, "I panicked it was the first thing I could think of." I laughed.

        "Wait, what does this say?" Keith asked suddenly and I realized when he dropped my journal it landed on one of the pages I didn't want Keith to see. He picks it up. "I love Keith so much, I mean how is it possible for someone to be cute, hot, and extremely talented at the same time?" He grinned but didn't laugh like I expected, actually he shut the book, looked at me, kissed the tip of my nose, got up, and walked away.

       "Dear lord help me now." I mumble getting up from the floor. God, I hope this wasn't a dream.

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