Chapter 7

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We walked out of the maze and Colby collapsed onto a bench. I quickly sat next to him and looked closer at his face. He had a gash over his lower lip, right eyebrow and close to his left eye.

"Colby..." I said, upset about the fight he had just been in.

"I'm fine... Really." Colby was clearly lying. I a gash on his left knee from when he was pulled to the ground and a scrape on his left elbow as well.

"No, your not. C'mon, let's get you to the car." I helped him stand up and walk to my rental car. It wasn't anything special, just a Toyota Corolla. Colby sat in the passenger seat and I sat in the driver's seat.

"Toyota Corolla, eh? Not a bad choice." Colby said.

"Its nothing special. Just a cheap rental." I replied.

"This is just like my car. Same year and everything." Colby added.

I pulled a first aid kit out of the glove box and opened it. I pulled out what I needed.

"Really? Neosporin and a box of band-aids?" Colby asked.

"Hey, at least it works." I said, opening the tube of Neosporin and applying it to Colby's face.

"I'm just kidding." Colby smiled. I put Neosporin on his knee and elbow, then put some band-aids where I could. I packed up the first aid kit and put it back in the glove box.

"I figured you were." I told him. "Now, which hotel are you staying in?"

"Villa Claudelle." Colby answered.

"Really? Same here!" I said excitedly.

"Seriously? That's such a coincidence. What floor are you on?"


"Me too!"

"Lucky number 7, am I right?" I asked.



We arrived at Villa Claudelle and walked into the lobby. Colby had some help, but he was walking a bit easier. We took the elevator to the 7th floor. I walked to Colby's room, which just so happened to be across from me.

"Do you want to come in? I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind." Colby offered.

"Sure." I accepted. He pulled the key card out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

We walked into the room and found Sam at the desk with his laptop open. He was watching YouTube by the looks of it.

"Whatcha watching?" Colby asked.

Sam looked up and saw Colby's busted figure. At the sight, Sam sighed.

"What did you get into?" Sam then noticed me in the room. "And what are you doing in here? Aren't you supposed to go to your hotel?"

"I'm across the hall." I said. "Also, we've got a whole story behind..." I motioned to Colby. "This."

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