Please Read! (Question)

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Since this book is getting more views then my other ones, I figured I'd post this here.

So, I was thinking about writing a fictional story mixed with lots of non-fictional things.

I'd like to write another story on Koatohee alongside my A.I.'s at War book.

This book would involve me and real life people, except with name changes. That includes my family. The main character being my car (cyborg) Koatohee. He and I will probably be on some kind of mystery solving adventure or something else. I don't know. I'm probably gunna write it, but I wanted to see if anyone was interested in reading it. If so, I had a question.

What genres would you like to see??? I'd like a few of them.

Action (a little or a lot?)
Romance (a little or a lot?)
Crime / Mystery
Horror (little or a lot?)
Drama (a little bit of a lot of drama?)

What other genres (I honestly forgot other ones that could fit this story)?

I just need some help in deciding if you guys would be willing cuz I'm kinda struggling.

Timeless Art - Art Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora