Something AWESOME is Coming!!!

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I was talking about a new robot the other day...he's still coming but....I thought of something A-MAZ-ING today! I'm not spoiling anything! It's a new guy bringing new changes to other characters of mine (like the Menaces, Koatohee, etc) and my friend Skye's (her cyborgs like Murelli for example).
It's going to be awesome and I think you guys will like this guy! I got inspiration from many different characters for particular things about him which I'll explain later. The only clue I'm going to give is that he is an antagonist/villain. He's a special kind of Villain too! Oooh! I don't want to spoil anything so I must keep things hush hush for now! Even the "species" is special! ;3

Timeless Art - Art Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora