Chapter 十

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Chapter 十

            Days have past and things at Cross Academy were far from quiet. The faint smell of blood had washed over the grounds and keeping the Night Class under control was quite the task. The aura of a Pureblood was something I did not possess, even though I was born with pureblood running through my very being. The result of malnutrition from childhood I guess. Hana was the only one who knew of my true status, so when I requested for everyone to settle down he was first to do so.

Takuma did a far better job at getting everyone to settle, though I wasn't surprised since he had been around everyone far longer than I have and build the authoritative relationship over time. Something that cannot be replicated in just a span of less than a month.

Currently I was investigating source of the smell, and luckily I arrived just in time to witness Kuran reprimand a vampire who was close to falling to Level E. Honestly if you ask me he was going over the top, as always. "Kuran, that's going too far." My written message appeared on a podium of ice that appeared between Kuran and the silver haired boy, all eyes were now on me as I stood at the top of the stairway. "Just get the girl to the infirmary, your ego can take the backseat for today. Leave the poor boy alone; you have quite the habit of picking on the weaker, is that really the example you wish to set to the Night Class?" My mismatched eyes narrowed in a fierce glare. "If you continue such habits I will be more than glad to report to my superiors."

"And what proof would you have, Ryda?"

"I'm not afraid to reveal my past or the suffering I endured because of you and your parents." I walked down the stairs and passed the man to help the silver haired boy stand, luckily he was busy reading my notebook to push me away. "I'm not that helpless servant you can just throw around and lash at anymore, big brother."

I looked to the headmaster who gave me a nod, which I returned, before I took my leave with the former human boy.

            I brought the boy to a small room that was situated right down the hall from the headmaster's office. Walking in I helped him into the dimly lit room and dropped him on the large couch that was against the wall next to the door. The room had dark, red oak wooden floors that were polished to shine like marble and walls covered with a burgundy wallpaper with darker designs dancing along its purplish colouring.

"Why did you bring me here?" Zero questioned me, the distinct sound of a gun being pulled out and pointed at me cracking through the still air. I turned around to meet his eyes, his lavender eyes that were filled with self loathing and hate. "Why did you help me? What's your goal?"

My face remained calm and I pulled out my notebook and pen, jotting down my reply in neat cursive writing. "I helped you because Kuran was taking things too far, besides I like pushing the Pureblood's buttons. Making his day miserable would probably be the best thing about having to come to Cross Academy." He didn't lowed his gun as he read my reply--the scowl on his face showing me he didn't really believe me.

"So why am I here?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

Geez, he's really not trusting of people. And I thought I was stubborn. I sighed and started scribbling on my notebook again. "You needed to be brought to a place to calm down, this is my office and one of the most silent places around. Feel free to come in here anytime you feel like you'll lose control again."

I turned and walked to my desk, not really caring that he had yet to lower his Bloody Rose, and shuffled through the drawers. I sifted through papers and pens before finding what I was looking for. Grabbing it, and hiding it in my fisted hands, I walked back over to the short tempered boy and grabbed ahold of his other hand.

I slowly dropped the object into the palm of his hand and took a step back. "It's the key to my office, there's a special incantation on the door so not even Kuran can enter this room. That key will be the only way for you to get in here without me." He read over my message before looking between me and the key, slowly lowering his gun.

"Why are you giving this to me?"

I smiled at him. "Because it will piss Kuran off."


Ouuuuu, Ryda is showing her sadistic side~
Can't blame the girl, anyone would go a little insane given the beginning of her life.

After all, "We're all mad here~"
                                  -Cheshire Cat

Anyways, it's been a while since I've updated. It's a short chapter too, sorry about that.

Winter term is here and I just can't seem to focus on anything, it's getting to be a bit of a problem since I gotta be careful of my GPA, I'll pull thought though.

Hope you've all had a great day, or night or week or whatever.

I'll see you all when I next update^^

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