(Naruto) Shikamaru X Reader: Resolutions

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Posted on December 29, 2017

Based off of:(You-tuber) Cot Damnit Elizabeth

Shikamaru's POV

"(Y/n) can you just stop the car for a second!"

Right now I was driving Shikamaru and I's car with   
Shikamaru as the front seat passenger, and in the back was Kakashi sensei, Gaara, and Choji my brother. I could already tell that me and Shikamaru were gonna fight today. He was a little stressed yesterday from only god knows what and he woke up this morning a little crabby.

I was taking all of us to the gym to work out today but I decided that I didn't really want to work out today and that I would just wait untill January 1st which was literally 4 days away. You know, 'New year, New me!' type stuff. I really don't actually believe in that type of stuff but when push comes to shove ya know, I take the easiest way for me, and waiting longer would just be more leeway for me.

"I don't want to work out today Shika! I'm just gonna wait a couple of days until January 1st, thats when everyone makes a change."

I then remembered the people in the car and look at Shikamau with a 'seriously in front of them' look. Then what does he do! He gives me the 'shut your mouth and listen' look, the kind your mother would give you when she's talking to some of her friends and she wants you to keep quiet till she's done.

"Why, Why do you have to wait for the new year to make a new change when you could do that right NOW!"

I giggle a little on accident because of the reflection in his voice he then glares, not like 'you're in trouble' glare, as in the 'Explanation now' type glare.

"You sound like an Everest commercial..."

He turns away and then says "Maybe because your life is passing you by. Like seriously (Y/n), you said you wanted 'workout' and 'eat healthier' literally a month and a half ago and now you're going on saying 'oh I might as well wait for the January 1st,' WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!"

I turn a little to see Gaara looking out the car window with his hand on his chin as if in deep thought (As always).pretending to mind his own business, Kakashi trying to hold in his laughter of the argument we're having and Choji listening to the argument intensely. I turn back to Shikamaru and keep listening.

"You do not need to wait for the new year just because society taught us to make a resolution on January 1st! Hell you could make one in November, on the 16th! Or even on a Sunday at 4:00 PM after JESUS!"

I look at him mad for saying that I'm not following through with my diet.

"WHY DON'T YOU EAT HEALTHIER!" I retort back angrier than we started, not by much though.

"YA!" Choji agrees. Both Shikamaru and I turn around and say "STAY OUT OF THIS!!"

Shikamaru looks back to me dumbstruck and says "You women are such a drag... Picking their favorite comment then responding to it while ignoring the rest. And I do eat healthier, I put a banana in oat meal you put a Kitkat in a mouth! Which is fine (Y/n) eat what ever you want but if you sucked December 31st you are gonna suck January 1st. I don't care when we start working or when we start dieting but we are not gonna change over the course of 24 hours,we will start whenever you wanna start I promise! But this kind of stuff takes: dedication, work, practice and a routine! You sound like one of those people where its like 'Well its 2018 now, if there can be a new year, there can be a new me!' Thats now how it works! And you are not gonna be one of those people" I look at him amused

"I get, I really do and I really don't believe in that kind stuff. I see you point a hundred percent around. But might I say that for someone who finds everything 'bothersome' and 'such a drag' you are really into this conversation." I giggle a little in-between.

He smiles a little then continues talking "You see you're laughing but I'm serious."

I smile "I know your serious sweet cheeks, now lets get inside and loose some weight! Well, me at least..." I turn around to talk to the guys.

"Sorry about that." I apologize. Kakashi was the first to speak up and quickly might I add "Its okay! Personally that was one of the funniest arguments I have ever seen!" Then it was Gaara that spoke "Can we just go inside now."  I giggle and start opening my door saying "Yep come on!"

Right when we were about to head in Choji comes up and comment, well more like questions "Do you guy always fight like this?" I smile and nod saying "Only when Shika decides to be a prick!" and start running inside before he could catch me.

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