(Fairy tail)Gajeel Redox X Reader: Clingy

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Published January 17 2017

Saying I'm mad is an understatement I'm pissed! First he doesn't come to our date that I've been planning for weeks which I looked passed, not very easily but I did. Next he ignores me the whole day and talks to LEVY INSTEAD. Not that I have anything against her, she's super sweet, nice and intelligent. It's just that... GAJEEL IS MY MAN! NOT HERS! So I finally decided I was gonna play his little game. I wasn't gonna talk to him until he apologizes for his wrong!

~time skip brought to by my slow a**~

I start walking towards him and that's when he turns around and smiles "Hey (Y/n) how are you? Haven't seen you all day!" I glare at him making his smile turn into a scared confused look. "Now you notice me you ***hole, makes sense..." I mumble to myself. Him still having the same expression on his face as I sit on his lap glaring at Levy she smiles a heart warming smile that makes it clear she knows that I'm upset. "It was nice talking to you Gajeel but I got to go! Talk to you later some time bye!" She says before walking off with a newish book in her hand. He turns to me all of the sudden.

"What's wrong?" He asked right away I hide my face in the crook of my neck while fiddling with the tips of his hair. "You forgot our date all because you were talking to Levy..." I say in a whisper mixed with a whine. He chuckles slightly while sweat dropping. " Babe I'm so sorry I forgot our date it will never happen again!" I move around a little trying to get comfortable then whispered "That's not why I'm upset. I'm upset because of why you missed it..." he then chuckled and ruffled my hair "I'm sorry you get jelly easily" I then turned red and replied "Well jelly always wants the peanut butter..."

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