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Third point of view

what rubbish is this ? Seungwan thought inside.

Jimin sat beside the pregnant lady as they continue talk happily and looking at a picture that Jimin held the entire time. People would mistaken them as a spouse by the look of them sitting together.

without wasting time, she took her phone and call Seulgi's number.

" Hi seungwan. why? " Seulgi was about to grab a taxi stop when she got a phone call from Seungwan.

Seungwan on the other hand start to panic. Her world seems stop upon listening to her bestfriend voice.

What should i ask ? she thought inside. What if i mistook her as Jimin's family ? Seungwan this is hard.

" Hello Seungwan ?? " Seulgi ask again.

" Ohh kangseulllll "

" why? "

" what are you doing today? " Seungwan try not to suspicious as much as she can.

" i have checkups today. I supposed to listen to the baby heartbeat and the doctor will reveal the gender today" Seulgi sounds excited.

" Oh really ? then, is Jimin with you ? " Seungwan try to sounds natural yet her hands sweats already.

" no.i was about to ask him out with me but i guess that he's busy. he text me just now that he has sudden business trip in Jejudo, so perhaps he can't go back today "

Lies. He's lying.

Seungwan eyes still fix on the two that focus on their world. She can't help wants to punch Jimin but now she wants an explanation.

" Isn't he should accompany you right now ? this is your first time and the baby is not only yours. what is more important than going your prenatal checkups today ? " she lashed out.

Seulgi didn't answer right away.

" hey its not that matter. he has work to do and he didn't even know today is my checkups. i didn't tell him"

" why did you hide it ? he need to know your appointment. he's the baby's father. "

" seungwan " Seulgi sigh.

Seungwan biting her nails as she try to find excuse.

" it just.. i'm dissapointed that you're alone for your checkups. He should come with you "

not with another woman.

" its alright. i can go there by myself. i'm used to it so its fine " Seulgi's confessed making Seungwan's heart hurt even more.

i'm used to it so its fine

Seungwan hold her anger as she let out a small sigh.

" say which hospital you're going? I'm coming with you. after all i want to listen to my baby. " Seungwan try her best to create some jokes and chuckles can be heard through the other line.

" what baby? its my baby" Seulgi laugh before continue.

"Alright i see you in Yongjin hospital in 30 minutes. i'm on my way right now "

Upon hearing the hospital's name, Seungwan curse inside.

Danggg.. why she need to do her checkups here ?

After they ended their call, Seungwan continue to secretly watching the two as she pray in herself, hoping Seulgi to arrive a little bit late so that they would not came across each other.

Minutes passes and finally the pregnant lady and Jimin was about to go before she excuse herself to the bathroom. Grabbing this chances, Seungwan quickly move her feet to take a seat beside Jimin.

Jimin on the other hand is now looking down on his phone.

"stupid. is man all the same? huh Jimin?" Seungwan already can't help but to let out her anger.

" Seungwan-ah " Jimin who seems shock out of words.

" yeah. shock as well right ? me too. from what i remember you supposed to have business trip in Jejudo island " Seungwan face plastered with cold smile, as she continue.

" and i thought that Seulgi will be here with you but it turn out that you kindly accompany another woman. Well done Jimin well done!" Seungwan sarcastically laugh.

Jimin who's loss of word only stare at her.

" look Jimin.. I don't have any idea what are you thinking in your small brain, but please hear this out. your legal wife is on her way here " Seungwan intend to surpress the word legal. Hoping that he would come back to his senses.

upon hearing the word wife, he began asking.

" Seulgi ? What is she doing here ? "

" isn't that supposed to be my question ? What are you doing here ? "

Again. Jimin was loss of word.

" Aren't you supposed to accompany your wife for today's prenatal checkups ? Don't tell me that you don't even know that the doctor will reveal the gender and she's going to listen to your baby's heartbeat for the first time today ? Well.. i guess not. since you're busy taking care of another woman. "

Seungwan know that she sounds rude but she can't tolerate after seeing the situation in her own eyes. Jimin's cheating behind her bestfriend's back ? How could she stay calm? It doesn't make sense after all she did to marry him.

" tell me who's the pregnant lady ? " Seungwan ask the pretty strong question.

looking Jimin didn't answer she ask again.

" why you are the one who accompany her ? don't tell me you're the father ? "

" of course not " this time Jimin answer almost immediately.

Looking at his face, Seungwan know he's not lying. She relieve sigh inside but anger still can't recover her.

" then why you're the one with her ?"

" she has no one. i don't have choice. she only have me" he sighed.

" so you're special then ? "

" i only think her as a younger sister and she only think me as her older brother. other than that, there's nothing else. she just.. don't have anyone close that she can rely since this is her first pregnancy she scares too much " Jimin explains.

Seungwan didn't know how to react. she know by looking at Jimin's face, he tells the truth. but that didn't stop her to vent her anger.

" Jimin.. do you realize that Seulgi's alone too. this is her first pregnancy and she scared too. she only needs you as her husbands now not anyone else but you're too busy to taken care of another pregnant lady. do you even realize, if there's no me here, she'll be the only pregnant lady who's going to wait for her turn alone today ? everyone else around were all accompanied with their love ones. "

Seungwan let out , making Jimin look at his surrounding. Its true, others were surrounded by their love ones. Jimin started to feel guilty in his heart.

Seungwan curse under her breath as she held her phone tight when Seulgi's name appear on the screen caller.

" i guess you need to go now. Seulgi's here "

She's only a two steps away when Jimin held her wrist making her steps coming into halt. In his eyes, she knew he told her to keep quite and let this problem for him to handle.

" don't worry. I'm not planning to tell her yet " Seungwan paused, taking her wrist off him.

" at least not now. i'm not ready to ruin her happiness today "

With that Seungwan leave Jimin alone with his heavy heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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