Chapter 2

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Click... Click... Click...

Black is the color I stare at, and simultaneously I feel material covering my head, my hands bound behind my back. My hands begin to go numb from the rope squeezing the life out of them. My whole body is shivering uncontrollably, my legs shake up and down against the floor.

"Are you cold..." I hear a male voice call out.

I turn my head everywhere, trying to make out where I am, knowing that I am in some type of room possibly made out of stone. The bag that is covering my head has this smell: it's a horrible, moldy straw aroma. Must have been handmade or bought at a market of some kind.

Suddenly, the bag is ripped off my head, pulling my hair in the process and making me yelp out in pain. Seeing that I am indeed in a stone room, some kind of cell. Looking around and seeing no one in the room with me. Wondering where the voice came from, and my breathing begins to increase. As I freak out, my body begins to spasm. Trying to break the ropes around my wrist, I glance down to see I'm on a wooden chair. I start thinking of a plan to somehow escape from the bindings. Wiggling my wrist and hopping around in my chair, trying to get warm and free.

I made some success with jumping around in the chair. Struggling and gasping to be set free. When the door is slammed open, not noticing that the door is hidden. So that I didn't know where it is, seeing a young man. Brown hair cut short. Brown eyes, full of concern and wonder.

"My dear, how are you feeling?" I glare at him. He wears a black shirt with some weird type of trousers. Wondering what or where he came from. No one that stupid would wear clothes like that, which I've never seen before.

"Again, how are you feeling?" The man asks, slowly walking towards me. He not only looks strange but also smells strange, never have I seen a man like this one.

"Who are you? Or what are you?" I gently whisper.

Staring up at him, I begin to get curious instead of scared of this man. "My name's Lucas," He says, kneeling down in front of me.

Knowing that I've never heard of a name like his before, "Your name is different. Never have I heard that name." He looks at me, calm, but his eyes gave away that he's holding something back.

"Well, since I gave you my name. What is yours?" He asks, his voice deep but yet gentle.

My fear set in again, should I give him my name or not. If I became his friend, maybe I can go back to my life. "Hazel."

As I said my name, his face began to change. His lips curling into a smile, and somehow, I begin to smile back at him. Not knowing why, but I think I can trust this man. Feeling my nerves calm down as his hands begin to untie the rope around my hands. Rubbing my hands against the burn marks, when suddenly he takes them. But, I yank them both away from him. Taking a scared step away from him, wondering if he's going to hurt me. I hug my arms around me, trying to become small to hide away from him. Even though my gut is telling me that I can trust this man, instead of hiding from him.

"Please, I'm not going to hurt you..." He says, and I laugh at his words, my bellow ringing out through the room.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks, looking at me like I have five heads and a third eye.

"I clearly remember someone coming after me, chasing me through the night. And in the woods, where it is naturally scary. Making me scream, hitting a tree, and passing out. For all, I know you can kill me at any time..." My voice trembling as I speak as he takes a step forward.

"Hazel, here. I'll let you out of this room, will that help you to trust me more?" He asks, walking over to the hidden door, pressing a button. Hearing the sound of the door clicking open. Slowly I take small steps and make my way to the open door. Looking to see I am in a building, it is weird. Made of metal, or what is that on the walls. I take a step out of the room, my mouth hanging open. Everything was different, and I knew I am not in my world anymore.

I freeze, feeling as if my life just disappeared. This world is weird, as I stare out the window. Seeing things like bugs, metal. Weird noises everywhere, and I grow scared. The beeping of sorts, as people in weird clothes, crossing the black road with weird white lines. Big buildings around us, and the sheet of metal surrounding them, with colorful flashing things on the structures. My head begins to hurt, the lights, sounds, and the smells. Trying to look away from all these things, but I just couldn't, my eyes are glued to everything going on in this world. I could hear that Lucas is talking, and all of his words are going over my head. My body feeling faint, the world around me going blurry. My skin burning with a type of white fire, as I stare into an overpowering bright light.

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