Chapter 12

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Hazel's POV

Feeling kind of groggy, I try bringing my hand up to rub my eyes only to find out that I couldn't. A big weight is resting on my hand. Opening up my eyes, I gaze lazily at Lucas who is staring right back at me.

Then suddenly, he whispers my name and onto shouting for some nurses. Why would he need nurses? Why was he excited about me being awake? Why is he in my room?

Taking a look around, noticing the unfamiliar objects, I realize that this wasn't, in fact, my room at all. Where am I? A sense of panic flows through me as a bunch of people rushes into the room pushing Lucas back. It wasn't until then that I felt pain circle itself around my stomach. What happened?

Then a memory of Lucas almost dying, me getting shot, and complete blackness flashed in my mind. So, where am I now? Did Lucas save me? There's a lot that I need to talk to him about.

After the people in a white robe looking items left, I land my gaze on Lucas waiting for an explanation.

He notices me giving him an impatient look. Then he went to sit down in the chair before the entourage busted in. Taking a deep breath, he waits a couple seconds before speaking. "I... My family has always been working with the black market. Ever since I was a child I've been trained in how to tell a real deal from a bluff, shoot anyone that will get in the way, and protect those that you love. We found this artifact that is passed down that family line and apparently it can go anywhere in time. My grandpa chose your kingdom to take down. He ordered me to get their most precious item which I thought was you. I brought you back here in the future thinking that my job was done; well, I was wrong. He wanted their money to bring back so we could become rich. I had to go back to find out that a few of the others had already set everything up. I was to be a stable boy. While I was with, which wasn't really supposed to happen, my morals started to become better. I realized that what I was taught is wrong. Everything I know--does--hurt people; that's why I had to tell you about my Grandpa's plans. But, I was stuck since Grandpa wanted me to be with him. Somewhere in the making of the plan, he had changed his goal to take over the kingdom. I am against it and was telling him so when you came into the throne room. After he told our men to kill you, I didn't know what to do." His voice became small with lots of cracks in the once smooth confidence he showed.

"My love was going to be killed on the orders of my family. I had a decision: betray my family or save the person I grew to love. This was probably the best decision I ever made; I chose you."

He pauses just roaming his eyes up and down my face. A little heat on my cheeks made me self-conscious. "You saved me. I've never had anyone do anything for me with love except my parents. After you were shot," he gulped bending at the shoulders, "I went to my grandpa since it was him. He... he told me that he had killed my parents so.... I... killed him."

Another crack at the end of his sentence led to a sob. Tear puddles begin to form on his pants. "I brought you back to my time for healing. They told me to keep you here for another three days just to watch over you in case something happens. You can go back into a coma or something." Before bringing his face back up towards me, he swept his arm across his face to get rid of the tears. I don't think he wanted me to see him like this. "I'm glad you're okay."

His soft smile whelming with sadness made me form my own for him. Scooting to the side, bringing up my arms, I embrace him. We both wept for the past, what could have happened to the both of us, and what will come.

The days pass quickly as Lucas and I talk and play games. He never left the room; he even brought in a futon for him to sleep on. I know that he is looking forward to going back to the castle as I am. We've been here for longer than I wanted. Anxiety washed around my innards because the kingdom is fighting back to take back our possessions. Were they alright? Did they get the kingdom back? How many died? Did the citizens get protected? Are mother and father alright or are they still in the dungeons? Did I tell the guards they are down there? Did they get out when I gave them the key?

Lucas came over to me with some clothes that match my time. It consistse of black leggings and a midnight blue tunic; although, this tunic felt smooth and almost silky. A nurse came in to help me get in them since the cast around my stomach prevented me from moving very well. I have learned that this thick unbreakable clothing protected injuries, very weird.

After the clothes are on, Lucas came in with a watch in his hands. "I need you to close your eyes," he advised grabbing my elbow with a gentle grip.

A nauseous feeling startled me but it went away quickly. "Hazel?" a soft women's whisper echoes around me. By the time my eyes settle on my mother, I notice we are in the throne room. The floors are sparkly as well as the walls. A crown, my kingdom's crown rested on my father's head. They had taken back the kingdom. Happy tears fell down my face as I run to my parents.

Our hug lasted for a long time until I hear Lucas say something. "What was that Lucas?"

A corner of his lip went into his mouth before speaking. "I have to leave; I can't stay here. I'm partly the reason why all these terrible events happened to you. Even though I love you, I know that I'll only hurt you." His gaze moves down to the ground.

"You're right," announced my father. What? "David, take him away to the barren lands. You, young man, will be banned from ever stepping one foot into my land until given permission." David came up and roughly pushed Lucas out of the room. He is leaving...

"But father!" I am about to protest when he interrupts me.

"Maids, please take Hazel to the study," his voice starts to soften. "Hazel, I know you love him but maybe someday later, realize that I had to be a ruler, and you have to make hard decisions."

I am taken out of the throne room broken hearted.

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