Chapter 10

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The sound of dripping water hitting stone woke me up. Sitting up, I look around and see I am in the dungeon. Cold bars surrounded me, my left leg is handcuffed to one of the hooks on the floor. While my left hand is handcuffed to the wall. I sat here wondering what they were going to do with me when I hear my name being called.

"Hazel! Is that you?" I hear my mother ask. That's when I see my mother and father locked up down here too.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled hoarsely, pulling the chains. My mother's usually beautiful face is smeared and dirty, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Honey, are you okay?" My father asks.

"Yes, I'm fine," I say while sitting up against the wall.

In my head, I wasn't alright. How could I have left my guard down—letting him into my heart? Yelling at myself of how I let myself trust him, and actually, love him for a moment. And then, he broke it into a million of pieces, unable to repair it. I lay my head back against the wall, when suddenly, a sound of a door opening filters into the room. Keys rattle as someone walks down the hall to where we were.

"I see you've awoken. I hope you like where you'll be staying, I chose it just for you." I hear the old man say, a laugh falling from his evil lips. He came to my cell door, looking in at me like I am a caged animal in a display.

"Why are you doing this to us? We didn't do anything to you?" I ask, anger coursing through my words.

"Well... You all are just in the way of my plan and I have to do something with you." He said.

"Well, I better go. I have a castle to raid!"

The old man left. Hearing the door shut behind him, I sigh hanging my head in defeat. When suddenly, I see a nail at the far corner of the cell. Wondering if I could get it and escape the handcuffs, I crawl over as far as I could, reaching for the brown rusted nail. Almost touching it with the tips of my fingers. I gasp out, my arm beginning to hurt from the metal. I fall back, and relax my arm, seeing a red mark forming on my arm and leg. Again, I reach for it when I touch it lightly again and then it is in my hand. I started cheering in my head from the small victory. Seeing that the nail is already in the form of picking locks, I jab it into the keyhole, wiggling it around for a couple of minutes. Suddenly, I hear the click and my arm is free of the handcuff, then I unlock my leg.

"Hazel! What are you doing?" I hear my mother gasp out.

I look over at her, giving her a small smile. "I'm going to go get our castle back!" I announce unlocking the door. Throwing the nail to my father, he caught it. I ran to the door which I heard the old man come from. Peeking out, and seeing no one on guard—probably out stealing our gold for themselves.

Remembering that Lucas must be with them and ran out to the armory. Finding all my personal guards are there, knocked out or locked to different objects in the room. Finding David gagged and cuffed to a chair. His eyes open wide, surprised to see me. Then, he starts to struggle against what held him back. I quickly held a finger to my mouth telling him to be quiet. As I walked over to grab a sword, I hear footsteps coming to the door. Jumping behind one of the men, as they all scoot closer to each other, hiding my body. Holding my breath as the unfamiliar voices crawl into the room.

Hearing one of them hiccup, sensing that one or both are drunk from finding the Royal wine cellar. "I'm so glad... w-we did this!" One of them bellows, and I saw a sword lying on the ground beside me.

Quickly I grab it and slide it between the rope tied around the men's hands. Setting them free, jumping up they attacked the two drunk men. Knocking them out cold, and we then untie the rest of the guards. David came up to me, hugging me, "I can't believe you're here! Do you know how this happened?" He queried, grabbing for another sword for himself.

"Now, isn't the time to explain. All I know is that we need to get this castle back into our power. If you see anyone in strange clothing and they attack you, kill them or restrain them down in the dungeon," I order, strapping on a scabbard to my back. Sliding the sword into place as I place a quiver on my waist filled with arrows, a bow in hand.

"We will follow you, Princess," David said, placing a hand over his heart and kneeling as did the rest of them.

"Thank you. Now, let's get our home back!" I yell, throwing my hand in the air. Opening the door to fresh air as I run to the front doors of the castle. Which are blocked off by wood and guards stood at posts? Ready for anything, and we attacked them. Each one of us, yelling out a battle cry. I joined in with my men, knocking down attackers, trying not to kill them. Knowing if I did kill one of them I would feel so bad about myself. Taking down the men outside, we head into the main halls, cutting down the attackers inside. Heading toward the throne room to where I'm guessing the old man sits probably with gold all around him. Practically bathing in it—I can imagine.

Slamming the grand door open and seeing Lucas standing beside the old man. As he sat on the King's throne, the crown sitting upon his old head. I glare at them both, ready for a battle. "Well, I guess the princess is more dangerous than we thought imaginable. Guards, kill them all!" He shouts, snapping his fingers as more of his men came running out.

We fight them, taking on men one at a time. Trying not to kill them, but I know I have too. Watching as their eyes went to the back of their head, and taking their last breaths. Making my heart break every time I watch this happen to the men around me. Fighting as I ran out of arrows, and had to switch to my broadsword. Using most of my strength to do so, and that when I felt something cut me, the feeling of blood dripping down my arm.

Seeing that, I am going to be killed, as they went to cut my leg. As I fell to my knees, staring up at the Boss. A smirked glowed on his face, raising his sword to kill me. I close my eyes, waiting for the pain...


The sound of a sword hitting the one above me, and grunt from both of the men fighting. Opening my eyes to see Lucas standing in front of me, protecting me. I looked into his eyes and see he is staring at me. "Run!" He screams at me. I stand up, running to my knights, to David. He threw me more arrows, and I aimed back at the Boss. Seeing Lucas about to be taken down, I aim at the other man instead. In one shot, the other male is gone.

Before I could get another arrow locked into place, the pain starts to weave itself in my stomach. The piercing of an arrow is embedded in my once smooth skin.

Who? My vision went upwards to see the old male with a bow of his own. A gleaming smile light up his face. That is the last thing I see before the black spots invade my vision. I see nothing else but the man who has killed me and taken over the castle.

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