Chapter 21

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I've never had so many people stare at me in my life. Funny how it takes being kidnapped for people to notice you.

The door closes behind me as I walk through the hallway. I see people stare as I pass them. Others pretend not to notice. But I hear them whispering to each other. Unfortunately for them, I'm a very good listener.

"Is that the mute girl?"

"What was her name again?"

"I think it was Willa? No, Lilly?"

"I think her name's Willow. I saw it on the news."

"Didn't she go missing?"

"I heard they found her."

"What happened to her?"

"I heard she was abducted by aliens."

"Some kid said she was taken by the government and turned into a cyborg."

"That's stupid!"

I hear variations of the same thing over and over with each group of students I pass. They exchange theories on where I went and what my name is. I try not to wince as I remember how I really went missing. I keep my head down and don't stop walking till I get to my locker. A few kids try to talk to me, but I ignore them and keep walking. All this attention isn't helping my mood.

I've spent most of the weekend in my room. I didn't have anything planned, obviously, and both my parents had to work, so I was alone for most of the weekend. That gave me plenty of time to think.

After I got home, I slept for a while before finally waking up that evening. I told my parents what happened. They were disappointed for me, but I could tell they were less than distraught. I ate some dinner and went back to bed.

I replayed that morning over and over in my head. I can't stop seeing M'gann's tear-filled eyes. Black Canary's words echo in my head. She advocated for you the most.

I can't decide who I'm angrier at: the League, or myself.

I reach my locker without much chaos. I put my bag in my locker and grab my books for my first class. A senior boy a few lockers down stares at me for a moment, but I ignore him. As I close my locker, a voice calls my name.

"Willow!" Melony shouts. I turn to greet her. I sign "hello" to her as she reaches my locker. "How are you?"

I pull out my marker board and write, since my other hand is full.

Not that great, tbh. Don't wanna be back. You?

"I'm okay," she answers as I erase my board. "I knew you were here because people won't shut up about it."

I heard a kid say he thought I was abducted by an alien.

Melony laughs.

"I've heard crazier stories," she replies. "It's amazing how bizarre their gossip is."

Just think, a few months ago, no one knew who I was.

"That's not true!" Mel counters as she links our arms. We walk in tandem to our first class. "You won the local film festival and you're in film club."

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