Dying Embers

727 20 31
  • Dedicated to Stacy Ash

              I was surrounded by heat and smoke. Pespiration on my face and pretty much everywhere else. I heard a man screaming and calling for help. I looked ahead of me through squinted eyes. The fire was so bright. It lit up the sky and screamed tragedy. Who was the man? I ran towards the fire hoping I could save the man before it was too late. I was close enough to see that it was a house burning. I still heard the man screaming. I ran to the window which shockingly hadn't shattered from wood and pieces falling off the house. There was a moving silhouette in the window. It was a man and he was trying to break the window. I stumbled towards the window coughing from the amount of smoke in the air. I punched the window cracking it. I punched it again and again and again. The glass finally broke and the shards of glass cut my face. I groaned in pain but I didn't give up. The man gripped the collar of my shirt holding on for dear life. I hauled him out even though it took everything I had. I dragged him blindly into a safer spot. I nearly jumped out out my skin when the burnt man started talking. 

                     "River, my son, this wasn't an accident," he whispered. This was my father I realized. 

"Dad? What happened? What do you mean this wasn't an accident?" I asked coughing again. 

                  "S-someone set the house on fire..Please..just be...careful...," My father trailed off. I saw the life leave his body. I saw him die..He died right in front of me...

  I sat up in my messy bed gasping for air. The dream...The dream I had almost ever night. I breathed in deeply and tried to calm my fast pounding heart. 

                  "River wake up!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs. I groan and ran my fingers in my blonde hair. It was a complete nightmare and the worst thing about is it really happened. 

                 "River!" My mother called again. I sighed even though dad died she tried keeping the family together and play both roles as a mother and a father. She could never be like dad though. I slowly got off my messy bed and stepped over piles of clean clothes that I never bothered to put up. I limped to my doorway and looked down the stairs and saw my little sister, Amanda, standing there. 

                 "You better get dressed..You don't wanna piss mommy off again," she said with a smile.

       "Amanda you're 15. Stop saying 'mommy,''' I said with irritation. She stuck out her tongue and walked away. I was two years older than her. A 17 year old guy with a limp in his left leg and had nightmares every damn night. I put on a clean white shirt that I found in my closet which needed cleaning too. I put on some blue jeans and stepped out of my room and limped downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother,Sherry, cooking bacon. She was like any average mother I suppose. She had light brown hair and dark blue eyes. Fair skin and she was tiny. The only thing I inheritated from my mother was her blue eyes. I had my father's dark blonde hair. I was tall too and broad shouldered. 

             "Did you sleep good River?" Sherry asked me. I looked at her like that was the stupidest thing she ever asked me. She sighed. 

             "Sorry I even asked," she muttered. I sat down at the wooden dining room table and rested my head on the cool wood. I was so tired. Amanda sat across from me. 

            "When are you going to see your girlfriend? You know you have to tell her you'll be leaving soon," she said.  

           "Thanks for reminding me," I said sarcastically. Astrid my girlfriend. I never told her I would be leaving to go to Britain. I wouldn't be staying there all my life. Just to visit my Uncle Darren who was my father's brother. I really wasn't looking forward to going to Britain. I wanted to stay here in Tennessee but I guess not. I guess you never really get what you want in life even though it's barely begun. I know enough though. I guess it doesn't matter. 

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