Chapter Two

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     After I ate I decided that I needed to tell Astrid and now. I stepped out of my house and walked across the yard. I froze. I couldn't help but look at the trees and the fresh cut grass. I sighed sadly I'm sure gonna miss Tennessee. I looked at the tractor that was standing by the garage. The tractor that messed up my left leg. I was fixing it one one day and it just fell on my leg. Broke almost every bone in my leg. The doctors said it would need to be amputated because it would never completely heal and cause me trouble in the future. They were right but I don't want my leg cut off. I walked over to the edge of the road.. I looked down and saw a frog hopping slowly across the road. When I looked up I saw a car coming. I looked back at the frog that wasn't moving fast enough. I crossed my fingers and closed my eyes when the car zoomed by. After five seconds I opened my eyes and saw the frog smashed on the road. I frowned. I guess that's what happens when you don't move fast enough. Danger hits you and you die. I walked alonged the road towards Astrid's house. I looked around. At the clouds, the grass, the houses. I would be under foreign skies soon. I would be surrounded by people who would label me as a "dumb American" or a "country hick." I shrugged it off. I don't care what people think. They  don't know my story. I stopped in front of Astrid's gravel driveway. I stepped onto the rocks and walked up the driveway to the front door. I knocked on the door slowly and waited for an answer. I heard someone walking towards the door and it opened revealing Astrid. 

                "River!" She stepped forth and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back not really feeling anything. She stepped back looking at me confused. Her kind light brown eyes and scattered freckles across her face. She was pretty to me. She pressed her lips together. 

             "What's wrong? You look more depressed than usual," she said sadly. I shook my head sadly. Do I really have to? Yes, I do. 

              "I will be going to..Britain soon," I said slowly. She frowned. 

 "What? You will be leaving? I thought...but why?" She asked confused. I sighed. 

"I have to visit my Uncle Darren. You're not mad are you?" I asked. 

 "No...just upset...I don't want you to leave," she said sadly. I hugged her tightly. 

"I'm sorry Astrid," I said sadly. She hugged me back tightly. 

"When are you leaving?" She asked. I sighed. 

"I think tomorrow," I said sadly. 

"And you told me this today!" She exclaimed. I nodded sadly. She groaned. 

"Well we are going to spend time with each other," she said smiling. I grinned and hugged her. 

"Alright," I said smiling. 

That day we just watched scary movies and talked crap about bad actresses and actors. Yep that's what we did for fun. What we did for fun. I hugged Astrid to me and sighed happily. I would hate to leave her. I hugged her tighter. I will miss her so much. 

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