Author's Note (IMPORTANT!!!)

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Okay, so the next simulation is a bunch of my IRL friends, so you wouldn't know them. But it's pretty fun to put your friends in there, either that or I'm sadistic. Actually...the next many simulations involve my friends, and I occasionally add a few people at my school who said they'd win right off the bat. 

These first two simulations, I didn't know you could save the codes and load them later, so the rest after the next simulation have codes. If you don't feel like just browsing through all of the repetitive ones with my friends, I'll go through all of my simulations, give you the titles and details. 

You can also modify events on the website, and so after a few, I created the Romance Games. And then EternalPiano showed me that you can have even more tributes, so the games get bigger. I think you guys would find the Romance Games funny. Here is everything: (I still have to publish most of these)


Friend Killing Game I - The next one in this book. The title says it all.

Friend Killing Game II - Another Hunger Games of my friends, but 5 new people. One of the Arena events is Acidic Rain, and 2 of my friends trip and face plant into an acidic puddle.

Friend Killing Game III - Yet another one, but 3 new people, including my online friend sora214. There's a volcano, and my friend who won the first killing game wins again.

Friend Killing Game IV - I add EternalPiano. This is one of my favorite simulations because it made me so mad I screamed. A garbage can stabs my crush with a tree branch. But hey, I actually talked to my crush about this and he thought it was funny.

Friend Killing Game V - I add my cousin QuagsireKing. There's a hurricane, and Monaca Towa cries while gripping a photo of her friends and family. Satan wouldn't do that. Then there's carnivorous squirrels. I also made this because I was having the longest anxiety attack ever.

Garbage Games I - This simulation is completely composed of 23 garbage cans, and Nagito Komaeda. Being inanimate objects, it's funny reading that they sprain their ankles, bleed out, hold hands, and other humanly things. This helped with my anxiety as mentioned above.

Friend Killing Game VI - I used this one to show to my ELA class. You'll see that I had to change all of our crushes to something else, like "Specific Person" and their pictures with something related. I believe it only lasts 4 days, with 2 new classmates. New character: Tree-san!

Friend Killing Game VII - Same people. More acidic rain, and a cloud of poisonous smoke. 

Romance Games I - The very first Romance Games with my friends! There aren't many events- the whole thing is still in the works. I added 4 different people. Even if this is the first Romance Games, I recommend the later simulations because they're better.

Romance Games II - With the same people. My crush kills me. Oh, I forgot. There's this one interaction I had in there, but it was confusing to people who haven't listened to the song, so I removed it. It's still in this one. 

Romance Games III - Another one to show my obsession with putting my friends into made-up romantic situations. I added a new event: "(Player1) and (Player2) make babies."

Romance Games IV - One of my favorite simulations. I add new events where somebody forces someone else to choose another person, and such. One of my real life gay ships (they're not) interacts, and I have many interactions with my crush. Maybe that's why I like this one so much. 

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