Authors Note

11 1 4

her stripped sweater

•Dear Readers,•
This story is for the damaged, the depressed, anxious, anorexic, for the traumatized, for the people with OCD. This story is for the lgbt community, because parents still don't support their kids. This is for the mixed kids who are struggling with loving themselves, because you're 'too light' 'too dark' 'eyes are to squinted' 'you don't look (insert ethnicity).' You don't have to look a certain way to be loved. You don't need to be straight, white, cis and rich to be loved. You are enough!
Love Auggy

Mentions and vivid writing of anorexia, bullying, verbal abuse, the main characters don't do drugs or alcohol but there are mentions of both drugs and alcohol.
The characters do cus and do illegal acts, such as climbing into restricted areas, shoplifting, and assault.

What To Look Forward Too:
The characters express their feelings to each other, it gets a little cheesy. The characters are very loving and want the best for each other, but won't hesitate to defend themselves and their friends. There is one lesbian and one bisexual character, one transgender, two straight allies, three mixed, and a muslim character in this story.

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