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"You were dancing in your tube socks in our hotel room
Flashing those eyes like highway signs
Light one up and hand it over, rest your head upon my shoulder
I just wanna feel your lips against my skin
White sheets, bright lights, crooked teeth, and the night life
You told me this is right where it begins
But your lips hang heavy underneath me
And I promised myself I wouldn't let you complete me-" I sat up in my bed, and flipped the covers off of my legs, so I could get out of my really comfortable bed that I really didn't want to get out of.

Instead of getting out of bed I brought my legs close to my chest and checked my phone to see what day it was. August 15th 2017, glared back at me in the dark room.

It was my first day of eleventh grade. I groaned and sprawled out in my bed. I grabbed a pillow to my right and screamed into it.

Summer seemed way to short! I have to be crazy or something. Like the alarm that went off was just a figment of my imagination and the date was most probably the same thing.

I grabbed my phone and saw the same date and I saw the time and nearly shit myself.

It was 5:30 in the goddamn morning. I sighed in defeat. Today was the first day of eleventh grade. But the summer shopping I did, was going to be worth all those hours spent looking for shirts and pants, that were under fifteen dollars.

I scrambled out of my bed, put some pajama pants on, and headed towards the bathroom in the hallway. As I walked in I saw myself and flinched. My curly fro looked like I had gone through three hurricanes, my skin was a dry and oily from not keeping up with washing my face. I don't even want to begin with my breath so I stepped into the shower, with my toothbrush, my face wash and toothpaste.

After my warm shower, that sadly had to be shortened to ten minutes due to my younger sister banging on the door. I covered my skin in a thin layer of rose scented moisturizer before I tried picking out an outfit.

I looked through my drawers, and found a light blue tank top with jean shorts. And as always I wrapped my favorite blue sweater around my waist. I didn't bother grabbing my backpack, the first week was just getting comfortable with everyone in out classes and getting to know our teachers and how they teach.

In case of an emergency , I brought my small blue backpack that I filled with snacks, bandaids, ace tape, and an extra sweater. As you can probably tell, my favorite color is blue, and its not the first time one of my friends, or I had gotten our ass beat.

The saddest thing about being beat up, is because I'm black and I'm a lesbian. And those two things I can't change are the reasons I get bullied so badly.

But, I try not to let what they say get the best of me, I'm more than my features and my sexuality. So choke on that bullies.

"BRADY! YOU WANT TOAST?!" Snapped me out of my thoughts, and I laughed at my sister, Jayla before yelling back a yes.

Jayla is the girl that is so freaking gorgeous but doesn't seem to see that. She has my moms beautiful brown eyes, and a lighter complexion I wished I had. But all she seemed she wanted to look like was me. She wants my nappy hair and dark skin. Don't get me wrong, my mother is beautiful with the same features. But, I wish I had golden skin and curly hair instead of hair that was coiled and hard to deal with. She was the perfect version of what I could've been.

her striped sweaterWhere stories live. Discover now