Chapter 3

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~Blaze's P.O.V~

OH MY GOD  I said how on earth could this  have happened . My tail color was like a bright red orange color how do I get out of it ? I asked my self

I just laid  in the bath tub and then I herd a knock at my door . Blaze it is time to go to school are you ready? it was my dad . Ya dad just a sec I said . 

So I had to get out some how so I put my tail on the edge of the tub and just put my hands on the wall behind me and then pushed my self out . OK I got this far how am I suppose to get it off or  have my legs back ? if I can have my legs back.

Ugg so I feel this stinging pain coming from my tail when  I look it is just steam and then I realize it is coming from my hand . how am  I doing this ?? I said really freaked out .

your late Blaze dad called. OK I'm coming dad then I saw my legs . Yes finally  so then I left for school .

~Luna's P.O.V ~

So that just happened   I said to myself so  I just sat there in the water

of my bath until . I felt something cold . I looked down at the water that was now freezing .

like I swear it was about to freeze all together  I shuddered and said OK Luna you have to get out somehow  so I pit my hands on the ground and crawled out   the I dried off . It was gone my tail was gone  my blue tail was gone

Well better forget that happened then I got up and went to school.

~Rosa's P.O.V~

As I sat there I thought this is the best thing that has happened to me .

who would have thought me a mermaid I thought mermaid's didn't exist . But yet here I have a green tail wow .  " Rosa would you come down here I need you to take you sister to school ! " My mom yelled

"OK mom be down I a sec" well time for you to come off  I had to think of a way to get it off .

So I put my hands behind me in thought then I yell "OUCH !!" I look at my hand with pain and there are vines with thorns

on them that pined me to the floor and got my brothers pocket knife and started cutting the vine till it snapped.

then I dragged along the carpet until I felt my legs . um OK then I got up and left to take my sis to school.

~Ashton's P.O.V~

Wow I said in astonishment to my silver tail instead of my legs then I wondered if Luna or Rosa or even blaze had this happen I should tell them

so I try and reach my phone on my night stand were my fish bowl was and then I saw this bubble but not any bubble a freaking bubble of water

am I doing this I thought so I moved my hand the bubble moved to then I put it back in the bowl .

then I didn't notice that my tail was gone OK I said werided out  then I got off my bed and went to school to tell my friend what just happened to me and my new found addition to life .

hope you like it and comment if you know what powers the all have a BTW I'm Blaze if you didn't know anyway vote comment share thanks


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