Chapter 5

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~Luna 's P.O.V~

After talking to all my friends I went to Science class I love science while I was walking my hands started getting cold then I looked down and my books had frost on them.

Then I went into the bathroom and I tried to get it off I did but now my book are a little wet but I did not care I walked out and ran right in to someone he got up and helped me up I said thanks and looked up and it was Connor my crush.

I tried to talk but it felt like a rock in my throat I could not talk. Are you OK? he said I managed to say yes then I felt light headed and fell.....

I woke up to Connor I was outside but the grass was frosted. at least were I was lying . Finally you woke up he said. he sound a little afraid how did you do that he said. uhhhh idk I sat up he flinched don't worry I won't hurt you you can trust me I said OK he said hey why don't you come to my friend they are like this to.

okay he said and we will go. okay I got up and we went to Claire s house for that meeting thing....

Sorry very short .. but it was what I had

Bye : )

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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