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( not proof read )
If there is any mistakes please comment to let me know

Lisa's POV

Suprisingly, I was the first one out of all 4 to wake up. I packed all my stuff back into my really small sports bag and left it near the door.

I decided that I would make everyone breakfast before heading to training at yg entertainment. Where chaeyoungie,Jennie and jisoo unnie train at

I would be leaving with chaeyoungie as I bought all my stuff for training with me to this sleepover as I knew the next day there would be training

I cooked all of them just normal toast with some fruit salad as I didn't want to use so much ingredients from chaeyoungie's fridge. I didn't want to bother her.

Soon jisoo woke up and sat down to eat while the rest were still sleeping.

Jisoo took me to the kitchen and said she wanted to ask me something.

"Lisa come to the kitchen please I need to talk to you."

"Do you like chaeyoung? "
"Ummm what makes you say that ?"
"Don't even try to denie it , I accidentally overheard what you said yesterday in chaeyoung's room.
" well since you heard it , I can't lie anymore. And yes I do like her but she's straight and wouldn't like someone like me."

"She's as straight as a circle my friend."
"What ? "
"You mean she's lesbian ?"
"Yup I've been her fired for 2 years , I know that's she's lebian."
"Oh , but she still won't like me , I'm a loser and she's is a beautiful model which has a great future in front of her. "

"She's likes you headass, yeri told her yesterday she was jealous of you and yeri talking so much together."

"You're not kidding me right ?"
"Why would I ?"
"But I still can't do anything about it , and can I tell you something ?"
"Go ahead."

"It's about jennie , I've been keeping this secret for too long."
"Jennie? You know her ?"
"Yup she is my master daughter."
"I'm a slave. That was bought from Thailand .that's why chaeyoung is too good for me. I don't deserve her . And also I'm constantly told by jennie to cut myself just because she hates me as I accidentally ruined one of her precious items that someone gave her."
After saying that Lisa rolled up her sleeves to revel her scars.
"Oh. I didn't know you went through such things , but don't worry about chaeyoung. She really loves you I can tell. Whenever we talk , she would always mention you. About Jennie , I'll handle it don't worry Lisa."
"Really ? Well okay but please don't tell chaeyoung about the jennie matter yet. I don't want her to know.ill tell her eventually. "
" I won't , don't worry Lisa. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. I'll speak to jennie at practise and try to stay away from her as much as possible. "

Little did they know someone was standing behind the kitchen door and accidentally heard their conversation.


I'm sorry for such a small chapter , I have school tomorrow and it's going to be very stressful as its my new school so I'll update as much as possible if I can !

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