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I'm going to try to update as much as possible since I don't have that much school work :)


Lisa's POV

We got out of the cab after paying and got into the building, today would be the day that yg will confirm those who are debuting in the group Blackpink.

I'm definitely not one of them so today is probably just on ordinary day.

Me and chaeyoung just walked to our training room and waited for everyone to arrive while just scrolling through instagram.

" okay trainees , before you guys meet yg today, we have one last segment to work on. Which is practising fanservice. So lll pair you guys in group of 4, and you will sit at the table we prepared to replicate a fanmeeting while the others wait outside."

Okay so first group that will be going is
So the rest wait outside please. "

Well IDK weather I am going to be in the same group as chaeyoung but I hope I do.

Jisoos POV

I got paired up with Jennie so I can take the chance to talk to her. I just whisper so the coach will think that it's some sort of fanservice

And fortunately Jennie sat beside me.

" Start , you guys have 10 minutes "

"Jennie" I whispered

"yes?" she whispered back

" I know about what always happens within you and Lisa so if I see you doing anything to her again or if she comes to me crying or something I will not be afraid to expose your Ass , try me."

"I don't know what you're talking about. "

"do we really have to get to details?"

" excuse me? "

"acting I see , stop getting Lisa to cut her self, she shown me the cuts there's no point dening as I know how Lisa is, you better apologise and treat her better or like I said I will expose you."

" I-I fine, but I don't even know why i do that. It's a little voice in NY head telling me to do this and do that. I can't help it. I get serve headache everytime the little voice appears so I get very angry. I don't even know what is wrong with me. "


"I guess you need to see a therapist or doctor, you can't just hurt others like this even if she is just a slave / a friend that was bought "

"I'm sorry after what happened to someone who was very important to me, I just lost it, I don't even know anything anymore I can't even control myself."

"I'll be here for you, you will get treated don't worry, just apologise to Lisa and explain to her what you need to."

"okay , I really need someone with me right now by my side to help me cope with this. Sometimes I just don't even wanna live anymore."

( if anybody needs someone to talk to I'm here)

" then I'll be the one by your side."

"after all of what I did to Lisa , why would you ?"

"because I use to have a c-crush on you"

"oh. I don't know what do say"

"then don't say anything till you get treated and is in the right mind."

"I'll apologise to her,and I'm sorry too, it's really hard to get over someone before I can accept someone else so I'm sorry."

"it's fine, I wait."


I don't even know what I just wrote lmao, the last part was cringey omaigod and I bet you thought it was a Chaelisa confession but nope my evil ass went to write a jensoo confession but it will come soon ;) vote if you want to!

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