As time goes by.

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8:11 p.m.

The past 2 months have been a cluster of new memories. Tzuyu and I became closer than ever, I became apart of the trainee group they girls are all in, and I'm becoming a better dancer than I was before.
To get extra help, I stay late in the practice room with Mina to help me master my moves better.
Mina is from Japan just like Momo and I. She is rather on the quiet side of being social. Sometimes I even forget she's in the same room as me.
Today I stayed later than usual. Mina said she had to go meet with someone, so it was just me. I look at myself in the mirror as I practice the dance we are going to be tested on this upcoming Friday. After repeating the same routine for 2 hours, I plop myself onto the cold floor and spread myself out like a starfish.
As I catch my breath, I think about Dahyun and Momo. They haven't really have been interacting as much lately.  When we are rehearsing, the two hardly make eye contact. If they do, they automatically turn away from each other. At home she seems just fine, same with Momo when we stay after. Then again, this isn't my business to be worrying so much about the two... but I worry about Dahyun.
I get up and head over to my bag and grab my tea. As I go to take a sip, I spill it all over myself.
I'm completely drenched. I search through my bag to find some sort of shirt or jacket to change into, but all I have in here is a half-eaten nutrition bar. I sigh as I look down the damn bag.
I here someone open the door while I do.
"Sana? I didn't know you were in here this late."
I turn myself to find Dahyun with a smile on her face.
"She's so seems happy," I say to myself.
As she locks eyes with me, her face turns red.
"S- Sana, you're soaking wet! T- take this,"
she takes off her hoodie and hands it to me. I watch her as she does and I feel my face get hot.
"You probably don't want to.. show yourself like that,"
she looks down at the floor when she says that.
Confused, I look down at myself. Turns out, you can see my bra crystal clear. I look back up to her  as she keeps her fire red face glued to the ground.
I take it out of her hands and set it down next to me.
"Thank you, I don't really mind this... but since you offered, I couldn't say no."
She looks up at me as I take off my shirt.
I look over at her as she holds onto her nose.
"Th- there's ca- camera's!!!"
Seeing her like this is amusing to see.
I look up towards it then down at her.
"Look I don't judge if you do this back at the apartment, but people could see you!!"
She pinches her nose like her life depends on it. I smile at the sight of it all. Who said a little skin could hurt anyone?
"If I'm being completely honest here, I don't care if I show a bit of skin, I'm not naked... unless you want me to be,"
I start to slowly move down my bra strap.
Dahyun explodes; letting go and gushing blood everywhere just like a boy in an anime.
I can't help but laugh. I grab the hoodie off the floor and put it on as she lies on the floor with a face resembling a tomato.
I walk toward her and lend my hand out to her.
"You should consult a doctor about that nose bleed,"
I say as she takes my hand and pull her up. She wipes her nose with a tissue she got out of her bag.
"You're a crazy girl Sana, lets head out before you start streaking in the offices."
I elbow her as the two of us laugh our way out for the night.
As we're walking, Dahyun spots a park and insists we go and sit and enjoy the night sky. We find a bench on top of a hill that overlooks the city lights.
"Not everyday you can enjoy this kind of view,"
I haven't seen the view of Seoul like this before. It's truly breath-taking. I turn to look at Dahyun gazing up ahead. Her face was lit up with bright eyes and a bright smile. The longer I look at her like this, the more I smile. She turns at me and her smile starts to fade away as she goes back to looking at the landscape.
"Sana, what's your biggest fear?"
I turn away, trying to take in the question that came up out of nowhere.
"That this is all for nothing."
She turns and looks at me.
"That me moving here was a mistake; that I should've just listened to my parents... and you?"
She looks down at her feet.
"That I'm not good enough for my dad or Momo..."
I look at her as she starts to have tears run down her face.
"I try so hard to be the perfect version of myself for the both of them, and it seems as if they don't accept it... as if they will never."
She wipes the tears off of her face.
"I know my dad loves me and all, but he and I both know I'm not living up to what he expects of me. Not to mention Momo and I had an argument about me not spending enough time with her. The two of us have tight schedules as it is, and I practically see her every time I have any free time."
She turns and looks at me.
"I'm sorry I usually don't vent or even cry in front of people-"
I grab her and pull her in towards me.
"It's okay, I'm here for you Dahyun."
She holds onto me and tightens her grip as she lets out her tears. Seeing her like this something I thought I'd ever see.. and it breaks my heart.
We let go of each other after us hugging for a while.
"Show your parents that you didn't make a mistake and try your hardest,"
she grabs a hold of my hands as she looks at me.
"If you do, I promise to try to work out things with the two of them... got it?"
My eyes meet hers and all of a sudden, it feels as if there's no one around us. Those eyes... they're bright just like when she was gazing at the night. I could've sworn that I heard faint music in the background as well. I feel my face boil as I watch Dahyun's do the same.
We quickly pull away from each other in embarrassment.
"EH?!?!?! Wha- what were you pl- planning on doing?!!"
She gives me a dirty look and gasps.
"I have a girlfr- friend!! You p- pervert!!"
Now I gasp.
"Who are you calling a pervert?!?!"
The two of us stop and look at each other and burst out laughing.
"You know, you're not such a bad person.. when you aren't being randomly sexual,"
She pats my shoulder as we get up from the bench. I smile back and say,
"You aren't so bad when you're not bleeding out of your nose because of me,"
We pick up our bags as we start to head out.
Dahyun starts walking and out of instinct, I grab her arm.
She turns around and looks at what I just did, then to me.
"About what you said before.. I'll try my best,"
She smiles at me, and it's brighter than anything I've ever seen.

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