Jeju adventures p.1

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(This part of the story will be switched from some of the girls' pov!! I'll do my best to track down who's who along the way! I'll be focusing on other members a little more but I promise this will all the into saida + expect explicit content and longer chapters!!! -ctrl_saida)



"Well, here we are."
We all stand in front of a two-story mansion-like beach house in front of the beach. After a brief moment of silence, Jeongyeon finally let out,
"What....what the actual hell...."
I look to my left and right and all the girls' jaws are dropped to their feet.
Their heads turn towards my direction as I stand in front of the 8 of them. As soon as I blink, they all scream and run their way on in as i stand here and watch.
"Group bonding, huh."
I shake my head as I carry my luggage and follow after them.
After exploring the place, we all sit down with our luggage. There's 3 bed rooms, and 9 of us.
"I say we draw straws!",
Nayeon suggests.
We all nod and I check to see if they have any.
I haven't been here in a few years, so I try to remember where they are. I finally find them in the bottom drawer next to the kitchen sink.
"They're a little dusty, but they'll do,"
I inform them as I cut them into different shapes.
Once there all sorted out, I have everyone grab a straw out of my hand.
A big part of me wanted to room with Sana so badly, it made me start to sweat.
Please be with Sana, Please be with Sana.
"Chaeyoung! Tzuyu!"
Sana matches her straw with hers and their identical.
The straw I'm left with matches with Mina and.... oh no.
I slowly look up and spot Momo in front of me with her straw. From my point of view she looks like she's like a huge demon, ready to suck the soul out of me.

10:14 a.m.


"Well, that just had to happen,"
I tell myself. I lay on the bed farthest to the right as I stare at the ceiling fan. Mina had already settled in on the bed on the left, which leaves Dahyun with the middle bed. I slowly close my eyes as my stomach starts to tie itself into a knot.
"A part of me wishes I still had you, but you've found someone; someone who can give you what I couldn't. I thank you for that, Sana. Now, she can be the best version of herself with you by her side."
Suddenly, the door opens. I quickly sit up and turn my head towards it. There she was, looking right back at me. She stands there and gazes at me the same as if I hurt an angel. My heart starts to race the more eye contact we make.
Finally, she snaps out of it and grabs her things and carries it to the middle bed. She says nothing, nor gives me any kind of sign of acknowledgment that I'm in the same room. I sit back and watch as she takes out her clothes and puts them in the drawers in front of her bed.
"Say something, you idiot!"
I quickly adjust myself to face her, and quietly let out,
"D- Do you need any help?"
She slowly turns around and we meet eye to eye once more. I give her a quick smile to show that I'm being genuine.
She then turns back around to the drawers.
"No, but thanks."
"God, wht did I even ask anything in the first place??"
I shake my head in embarrassment.
After about 5 minutes, she's finished putting and assorting her belongings in the room. As she heads to her bed to grab her shoes and leave, I practically jump of the bed.
She turns around and faces me.
I start to rub the back of my neck before I think of what to say, now that I've gotten her attention.
She stands there with her eyebrows raised. My heart starts beating faster and faster the more I look at her.
"I just want us to be friends again,"
I finally spit out.
"I want to move aside from this all. You found someone finally that can treat you the way you deserve to be,"
She freezes with her mouth slightly open.
"I miss my best friend,"
I say quietly.
One tear comes down from her left eye onto her cheek. The two of us stand there 5 feet apart.
If this is what I can get, I'm happy. I could never tell her how I still feel. I just need to talk to her.
She slowly walks up to me with her arms out and slowly wraps her arms around me. I slowly wrap my arms around her.
"I'm sorry, let's do this,"
She moves away from me with her hands still on my shoulders. My heart is fluttering while my smile gets wider and wider.
"... best friend,"

10:48 a.m.


I need to get out of here. I walk out into the living room and scope around the place. It was so awkward being in there with Dahyun and Momo... don't get me wrong, I love them but they act like a divorced couple.
The place was empty, so I assumed they were all in the bedrooms. I step down to the big window in front of the couch. The wind had a slight breeze, but not too cold. The sand was the whitest I've ever seen before, while the water was almost transparent. Something about it... called me.
I walk toward the door and take of my sandals, so I can feel the sand's warmth between my feet. Slowly, I walk out the door and along the beach. It was beautiful... no, it was ethereal. The sun glistened on my skin as I walk down the long isle of sand. Eventually, I find a wall of rocks. I tilt my head as I glare at it. Its probably 10 times taller than me. I slowly walk around the wall, hopping from rock to rock.
After I get to the other side, I notice a cave inside of the wall. I couldn't get a good look since it was a little farther down. I peek my head into it and surprise myself with who I find.
She rests there in front of the ocean. Her hair flows with the sea breeze as she closes her eyes and slightly curls the corners of her lips. She looked like an angel.
Quietly, I back away and rest against the side of the cave. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.
What is she doing here? I thought everyone was in their room.. I should probably head back and let her be.
I slowly try hopping back to the other side but slip on the edge of a rock and fall into the water.
(Keep in mind that I dont know how to swim. )
There I was, waving my arms and legs around and screaming until my lungs gave out.
Out of nowhere, she comes running up and looks down at me.
"Hold on!"
She takes off her sweater, leaving her in her shorts and bikini top. She backs up a bit to get a running start and dives in like an Olympian.
There I was, drowning. My body slowly sinking into the ocean as it pulls me into the reef. It's getting harder to breathe, the more I move  my limbs. All of a sudden, she comes up to me and pushes me to the cave's entrance. She then lifts me up to the edge and lays me there as she climbs back up to join me.
I start to cough as she sits there panting for air. After a few seconds, she turns to me and we make eye contact. She then asks,
"Are you okay?"
I look down at myself and respond quietly,
I start to shiver from being soaking wet. She then gets up and walks away.
Damn it, the one time you ever open your mouth to her, you scare her off.
I then sigh as I dig my head into my thighs.
"Here, you need it more than me."
I raise my head up and see her handing me her sweater. It was a plain gray with a little hole on the right sleeve. I look up to her and watch her comb her hand through her hair. For some reason, my heart dropped when I saw that.
I let out half-smile and grab the sweater and put it on.
Fits a little big, I guess she likes over-sized clothes.
She plops herself next to me.
I slowly turn to the right of me and watch her. She then puts her elbows on her knees as she rests her cheeks in the palms or her hands.
"What brought you over here?"
She turns my way and asks.
"I thought everyone were in their room, guess I was wrong."
She smiled at me after saying that.
"I thought the same, I just sorta wanted to explore while everyone was inside.. I guess,"
I put some wet strands of hair behind my ear and sigh. She stays staring at me, I can feel it. I start to feel my face heat up at the thought of it.
"Your Dahyun's friend, huh?"
She then asked me.
I nod as I try not to show her my tomato-red face.
"All the trainees think she's pretty, which she is,"
My heart stops beating as I hear that.
"But if I'm being honest,"
I look up toward her.
Eyes still on me, she then says,
"I think you're prettier."
She then looks down and starts to laugh.
Puzzled, I watch her do that for a little bit. Her laugh is feminine, yet still sounds youthful.
"W-what's wrong?"
She continues laughing as she keeps her head down.
After a moment, she looks up and tells me,
"I didn't think I would end up telling you that when you have a piece of seaweed stuck in your hair,"
She then pulls it out and wiggled it in my face.
The two of us start laughing at the sight of it. We ended up staying there a bit longer to dry off. Hearing her talk was music to my ears. I fell in love with her voice.
"We should start going. The others are going to start looking for us anytime soon."
I get up and stick out my hand toward her. She gently grabs my hand as she pulls herself up.
"Before we go,"
I tell her. She looks up at me.
"Thank you for saving me earlier..."

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