Light the way|•|Chapter 2|•|

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Aphmau's POV
It has been a few days since Starlight came into the area, and yet no wolf has seen or heard anything. Starlight is only hunting here I guess. If they are not here to hurt other wolves, then I guess they are just passing through with a migrating herd of deer or something. Strange, but I kind of understand it. I guess they will leave soon, or else I am going to be clueless on the reason they are here.
I hear bangs coming from one side of our territory. They are loud and startling! I am scared. I tuck my tail in between my legs and start shaking. My mom comes running into the den.

Luna- Aphmau! Oh thank heavens you are ok! We have to leave now!

I don't say anything but I just run with my mom. I run as fast as I can and as far away as I can go. We finally stop at an empty cave about a mile away from Phoenix Drop. I drop to the ground exhausted. My mom lays down next to me.

Luna- It will be ok. I promise. Soon your friends will be here and so will your father.
Aphmau- Ok.

I wait for a little bit, hearing distant bangs, but also distant howls. Then I see some rustling in the bushes nearby. My ears and tail perk up, but my mom is ready to attack. Then out of the bushes comes Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda! I jump up and run over to them. Their parents are here too. My mom invites them into our cave and we chat a bit.

Luna- So glad everyone is ok! We were worried!
Eric- What about Alpha Forest? He isn't here yet!
Luna- He went out with the hunting crew today, he is fine.
Lucinda- What about the other wolves?
Luna- All survivors know to come to the cave.
Katelyn- What do we do now?
Luna- We wait for others.

I felt like I was about to go to sleep. I started drifting off to sleep as more wolves from Phoenix Drop came into the cave. Slowly, I went to sleep.

Time Skip

I woke up to see most of Phoenix Drop in the cave, but there were some wolves missing. I didn't think about it though, because it was too sad. I was happy that all of my friends were ok though! By the next morning all of us had left the cave and went back to Phoenix Drop. We cleaned up a bit, then I went to bed. But I overheard my parents talking:

Luna- Do you think she is safe here?
Forest- Not much longer, Starlight knows that she is here.
Luna- Do you think she has too, leave?
Forest- It is for the safety of the pack, and for her.
Luna- I will pack her things and she will leave tomorrow.
Forest- We will send her friends with her, they can protect her.
Luna- Ok.

I don't understand what my parents are saying! Will I be leaving Phoenix Drop? Why? The thoughts race in my head as I slowly drift off to sleep.

The next day

I wake up to find my mom packing a bag full of food and water. She looks at me with sad eyes.

Luna- Sweetie, I am sorry. But you need to leave, it is not safe for you here!
Aphmau- But, but, why?
Luna- You will find out over time, but please stay away from Starlight!
Aphmau- I will!

My mom gave me the bag and I hugged her. I still don't understand why. When I walk outside I see Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and Lucinda with packed bags. I hug my dad, but he doesn't say anything. I feel his paw slip something around my neck. I look down and see a little lamp.

Forest- It will light your way, like you do to others.
Aphmau- Thanks dad!

And with that, the four of us head off into the vast world, for reasons unknown to us.

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