Crash and Burn |•| Chapter 8 |•|

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I'm back! Yay! Ideas and not being dead!

Aphmau's pov


I whipped my head around at the unfamiliar voice. There stood a well built wolf in the entrance to the room. She was a wonderful bright purple color that reflected the brightness of the stars themselves. The purple blended effortlessly into the black fur on her underside and paws. A large tail swished behind her as she stood in the doorway.

I stood there in awe of the magnificent creature standing before me

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I stood there in awe of the magnificent creature standing before me. She looked almost like a ghost. Lucinda cocked her head in confusion as she looked toward the entrance.

"Hey Aph, What are you looking at?" Lucinda asked, curiosity dripping from her voice.

I stared at Lucinda, then back to the unknown wolf, and between the two before responding. "I was just looking at th-" I was cut off by the new wolf raising her paw and in the same voice as before explaining. "She can not see me. Your friend does not have the same aura that you do"

"Aph? You okay?" Lucinda asked, now with more worry.

"I, uh" I looked back at the new wolf processing what she said. I looked down at the ground in disappointment and then met Lucindas eyes. "Yeah, yeah just thought I saw something"

When I looked back at the strange wolf, she smiled. I gave her a small smile in return. I was about to continue looking into the symbol in the room, but I then heard Kawaii Chan's frightened howl from outside. Lucinda and I exchanged looks of fear, then ran toward the entrance of the room before I skidded to a stop in front of the apparent ghost wolf. She looked at me, worried before Lucinda shouted at me.

"Aphmau! No time to think of your parents! We have to help Kawaii Chan!" She barked harshly at me.

I looked at the ghost wolf and she stepped aside, giving me room to pass. As I ran by her, I felt the same surge of power as I did when I was attacking Starlight's den. Then without looking back, I joined Lucinda sprinting toward where Kawaii~Chan's howl originated.

When we arrived on the scene the first thing I saw was fire. But unlike when we arrived where a few dens were burning  with low, dim lit, dying fires; this was a raging inferno. Everything was burning. My paws stopped as I skidded to a halt, right behind Lucinda.

Lucinda was horrified, but in her defense, I felt the same. Seeing our deserted, attacked den was bad enough, but having it be ignited once again while we were there was frightening. It meant whoever did this was still here.

"I see two more over here!" A voice in the distance cried out.

I watched in horror as the figures of two large muscular wolves approached us. Lucinda got down into a defensive position as her hackles rise as a warning. She got down low in front of me as the two approached. Even though it might have been in self defense, everything she was doing was braver than anything I had seen anyone do for me.

When I could see the two more clearly I saw that behind them was a group of even more wolves. There were two that I immediately recognized as Travis and Zane. It seemed like then attacked us an eternity ago, even though it was only a few days. So much had changed and my world had been flipped upside down.

The fact that these were Starlight wolves was not the most concerning part. The most concerning part, was that Zane had Katelyn's unconscious body hanging over his back and Travis held Kawaii~Chan. Lucinda must have seen this as well because she began growling even louder. Some of the scrawnier looking wolves began backing off and laying on the ground in submission mumbling phrases along the lines of "Shes the one!" "Shes a demon!" and "That's the one who took down Aaron!"

I shifted my gaze to the ground with wide eyes as realization hit me. These wolves were scared of me. Scared of what I can do, and scared of what I might become. I didn't want this. I wanted to be a friend to most wolves, not someone they submit to just because of a simple growl.

Apparently I had spaced out, because I heard a loud bark as Lucinda charged forward at an approaching wolf, set on attacking us. I backed up as she launched into attack mode and avoided his jaws with quick paw work and struck his side, knocking him to the ground. She turned back to me and nodded her head toward Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn, prompting me to retrieve them before Lucinda jumped back into the fight. I forced my paws to move despite how scared I was of the bigger stronger wolves, but my friends needed me. I ran forward as fast as I could.

A wolf launched at me with his jaw open and when I got close enough chomped down, expecting me to be caught in them, but I pushed off the ground and launched myself over the wolf landing on his back. Before he could make another attack, I used him as a launch pad to throw myself onto the back of another wolf gaining leeway into the group of wolves. I used my small paws to avoid the shark like jaws of attacking wolves whenever I landed on someone's back. I danced around the group of wolves. Each time I landed, more attackers were knocked out as they ran into and attacked each other.

I had about 1 more jump to make before I could reach my friends. I prepared to take off when I heard a loud yelp behind me. I looked back to see Lucinda be hit in the side and roll onto the ground. I lost my footing and I jumped straight into Travis's face. He lept back, knocking Kawaii~Chan onto the ground. I looked on in horror as the entire group turned their attention to me. My eyes widened and in an act of trying to protect anyone, I ran towards Kawaii~Chan's unconscious form. Picking her up with my teeth roughly, since I had no time for pleasantries, then threw her with every ounce of muscle I had left.

I watched as she flew over the fire and into the woods. I prayed she would escape into the woods away from danger and without the starlight wolves following. As I was beginning to black out I heard a rough voice saying "That was the weakest one, without the help of these three, she is useless" and then I heard voices barking at Travis for failure. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the same purple ghost wolf as before, giving me a small. Sympathetic smile. I whispered "Keep her safe" before the world was enveloped in darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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