Jackets // Malfoy

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Draco clenched his jaw tightly.
You were wearing Potter's bloody jacket.

He attempted to hold back the natural snarl that was twisting his face, as he watched that little shit look over at you and notice you were shivering from the cold November air before slidding his coat off of himself and onto you.

And then you smiled. And giggled. And thanked him. And nuzzled deeper against the lining.

"Jesus, Draco, you look prepared to kill a man," Blaise joked from beside him, taking a drink of butterbeer.

"I damn well am considering it," Draco fumed, tightening his vice like grip on his butterbeer, "Potter just thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. For fuck's sake, it's like he's claiming her as his. And she's just okay with it! She's just walking around with his stupid jacket as if to tell the whole world that Y/N is super close with Potter! It's sick! I mean, she should've just brought another layer! Sharing jackets is so cliché and annoying! It's like they're in one of those dumb romance books!"

"You just want Y/N to wear your jacket, huh?" Blaise raised an eyebrow, smugly.

"Shut up," Draco growled, "No one asked you."

"So you wouldn't want to see Y/N swimming in one of your jackets?"

"Yes, of course I would, okay? I'm not insane, that'd be fucking adorable," he muttered, taking a swig, "But that's different."

"It's only different because it'd be your jacket and not Potter's?"


Blaise rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Draco, they aren't dating. They're just friends. There's nothing to be jealous about."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous! I just think Potter's jacket looks dumb and my jacket would look much cuter on her. The green would bring out her eyes and make her hair more vibrant. Potter's red jacket just washes her out..."

Blaise just shook his head, "Whatever you say, mate."


(Next day)


You turned around to see one of your best friends jogging toward you.

"Oh, hey, Draco," you smiled.

"Hey," he nodded back.

You waited for whatever it was he had been planning to say when he called your name, but he said nothing else.


"It's pretty cold out here, huh..." Draco said, eventually, in an awkward, unnatural tone that made you raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah... I suppose..."

"Really?!" Draco's eyes lit up, "I mean, you can borrow my jacket if you want, I'm really not that cold..." he said, quickly.

"But you just said it was cold...?"

"I said it was cold outside, not that I was cold."

"Yeah, but if you think it's cold outside, then you are cold..."

"No, I'm saying it's objectively cold outside."

"Yeah, but -"

"Oh, my god, do you want the jacket or not?!" He exclaimed.

You chuckled at his outburst, "You saw Potter give me his jacket yesterday, didn't you?"

Draco tried to shrug as nonchalantly as he could manage, "... Maybe."

You laughed and rolled your eyes,

"Draco, if you wanted me to wear your jacket, you should've just asked. I would've happily agreed."

Draco's eyes widened as a smile tugged on his face, "Really?"

You smiled back, nodding, "Of course."

He giddily slipped the green jacket off of his shoulders and carefully onto yours. Then, he slid his fingers against your neck and un tucked your hair. Honestly, he thought you looked cuter with your hair tucked in, but he wanted an excuse to touch your hair.

You nuzzled into the jacket like you had yesterday, except this time it was adorable whereas last time it was infuriating.

You giggled, recognizing Draco's jealousy, before reaching out and playfully messing up his hair, "Relax, Draco, just because I was wearing his jacket doesn't mean I'm dating him or anything."

Draco bit his lip, overjoyed at hearing you say that, but pressing on cheekily,

"What if I say that wearing my jacket does mean you're dating me?"

You raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to him, "Oh, does it now?"

He nodded, "Yup. It's a rule."

You took another few steps closer, causing Draco's breathing to halt. You hummed thoughtfully, "An official rule?"

Draco managed to nod. You stopped, inches from his face, and bit your lip before whispering, "Then perhaps it'd be better not to break it."

Draco couldn't stand it anymore, he closed the distance between you, pulling your laughing lips to his by your waist - the same waist wrapped in his jacket. Your arms found their way upward as your hands held his face, the same arms that were wrapped in his jacket. He loved associating that word to you: his.
You finally pulled apart, laughing contentedly.

"If I may say so," Draco whispered to you, as you rested your head against his chest, "You do look absolutely beautiful in my jacket."

"It's going to be my jacket if you keep encouraging me like this," you teased.
He grinned wider. Because that was an even better word that he liked associating with: yours.

Part II?

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